In this issue: BMGF Award to IUSSP for Project on Urban Family Planning ● Call for New Panels ● IUSSP member settings & privacy policy ● IUSSP Laureate ● Data for Development activities ● Francophone Network ● Seminars and workshops ● Population Environment activities ● News from the members ● Regional population associations ● Other announcements ● N-IUSSP ● Calls for papers ● Training opportunities ● Job opportunities ● Calendar
BMGF Award to IUSSP for Project on Urban Family Planning The IUSSP was recently awarded a grant by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to support a 4-year project to produce policy-relevant evidence on the effects of family planning and fertility change on urban welfare.
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Call for New Panels The Council is seeking proposals for new Scientific Panels for 2018-2021. Panels can focus on topics of clear substantive interest or on the use or development of innovative methodologies or new types of data, and can include significant training components. Deadline for proposals: 15 September 2018. (Read more)
IUSSP member settings & privacy policy In preparation for the GDPR, the IUSSP updated its privacy policy and its settings. The IUSSP now uses 4 separate mailing lists so that those who wish to receive fewer emails can select the type of mailings they wish to receive.
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IUSSP Laureate 2018 Laureate - Bob McCaa IUSSP President, Tom LeGrand, presented the Laureate Award to Robert McCaa at the annual PAA meeting on 25 April 2018 in front of an audience of friends and colleagues. The award recognizes Bob McCaa’s singular role in the development of IPUMS-International Census Micro data and its inestimable contribution to research on population trends and dynamics.
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IUSSP Laureate Award 2019 – Call for nominations Would you like one of your colleagues to be honoured for their decisive contribution to the advancement of demography and population research? Do not hesitate to round up support and propose a nomination for the 2019 IUSSP Laureate award. Deadline for nominations: 1 November 2018. (Read more)
Data for Development Activities Data for Development Festival and UN-SDSN TReNDS meeting Tom Moultrie, former IUSSP Council member and Professor of Demography at the University of Cape Town, attended the Data for Development Festival organized by the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD) in Bristol at the end of March 2018.
Some 300 data experts, from government, civil society, business and academia attended the Festival, the first face-to-face gathering of affiliates of GPSDD since its launch in 2015. The IUSSP formally approved its affiliation to GPSDD at the International Population Conference held in Cape Town in 2017. (Read the report)
Bayesian Small Area Estimation at PAA 2018 The Two-Day Short Course on Bayesian Small Area Estimation using Complex Survey Data: Methods and Applications was held in Denver, Colorado on 24 and 25 April at the 2018 PAA annual meeting. The workshop presented the fundamentals of Bayesian statistics, hierarchical models, spatial statistics, complex sample surveys, and small-area estimation.
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Demographic Research in the Digital Age at PAA 2018 The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Big Data and Population Processes organized a Research Workshop on Demographic Research in the Digital Age at the 2018 PAA annual meeting. The half-day workshop, which was held in Denver, CO on April 25th, was designed to favor communication and exchange between researchers who study the implications of digital technologies for demographic behavior as well as the applications of new data from digital sources to understand population processes.
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Francophone Network National Forum on Population, Yaoundé The IUSSP Network for Strengthening Demographic Training in Francophone Africa (FraNet) co-organized the National Forum on Population and the Demographic Dividend in Africa and Cameroon: Assessment and Challenges, Yaoundé, Cameroon from 3 to 4 April 2018.
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Contributions to the study of Africa's Dividend The IUSSP Network for Strengthening Demographic Training in Francophone Africa has completed its activities and published 3 volumes on the Demographic Dividend in Africa. (Read more)
Seminars and Workshops New and emerging family forms around the globe The International Seminar on New and Emerging Family Forms around the Globe was held at the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED) in Barcelona, Spain, 21-23 March. The programme included 17 presentations, which highlighted a range of new family types and covered most parts of the world.
(Workshop Report)
Families, the Law, and Public Policy The IUSSP Panel Family Demography and Family Law organized a session on “Families, the Law, and Public Policy” at the 2018 PAA annual meeting. The session was chaired by Benoit Laplante and included presentations by two economists, Shoshana Grossbard and Emma Zang, and two sociologists, Elizabeth Cozzolino and Dorian Kessler. (Session Report)
Population-Environment activities Climate, Migration & Health with a focus on trapped populations The CU Population Center, Institute of Behavioral Science, at the University of Colorado Boulder, in collaboration with the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Migration, Climate & Health held a workshop on 17-18 May 2018 exploring the linkages between climate, migration and health with a focus on trapped populations.
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PERN cyberseminar & social media The Population-Environment Research Network (PERN) is now in social media – Twitter and Facebook. In collaboration with the IUSSP Panel on Climate, Migration and Health, PERN will also be organizing a cyberseminar the week of 12 November 2018 on “Climate, migration and health: an underexplored intersection”.
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News from the members Members’ new publications - Climate change, vulnerability and migration, edited by S. Irudaya Rajan and R. B. Bhagat.
- Migration between Africa and Europe, edited by Cris Beauchemin.
- Guidelines and template for developing a vital statistics report, by Helge Brunborg and Vibeke Oestreich Nielsen.
(Read summaries)
New IUSSP members Ten new members and 61 new student associates joined the IUSSP between 1 March 2018 and 31 May 2018. (See list)
In Memory 
Sølvi Sogner (1932–2017).
Regional population associations IUSSP at PAA 2018 in Denver IUSSP organized two pre-conference workshops at the 2018 PAA meeting: a 2-day short course on Bayesian Small Area Estimation and a research workshop on Demography in the Digital Age. The IUSSP Laureate award ceremony for Robert McCaa took place on Wednesday 25 April. The IUSSP Panel on Family Demography and Family Law organized a session on “Families, the Law, and Public Policy”.
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IUSSP at EPC 2018 in Brussels The 2018 European Population Conference (EPC 2018) took place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Brussels, Belgium from 6 to 9 June on the theme “Population, Diversity & Inequality”. The Conference included a number of thought provoking sessions on the demographic challenges facing Europe and the role demography, in unison with other disciplines, can play to better understand those challenges.
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2018 APA Conference, Shanghai, 11-14 July The 4th Asian Population Association (APA) Conference will take place in Shanghai, China, 11-14 July 2018. The IUSSP will have a booth and will organize a preconference workshop on Bayesian Small Area Estimation using Complex Survey Data (full). The IUSSP will also organize a session on “Innovations in longitudinal and cross-national surveys” on Friday 13 July from 9:30 to 11:00.
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XX AIDELF Conference/ 44th Chaire Quetelet The XX Conference of the Francophone Population Association (AIDELF) will take place from 28 to 31 August 2018 in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) jointly with the 44th Chaire Quetelet organized by the Catholic University of Louvain's Demographic Research Center (DEMO), on the theme "How do we age?".
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Other announcements The Gro Harlem Bruntland Visiting Scholarship The Centre for Fertility and Health of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Oslo & Bergen, Norway) has established the Gro Harlem Brundtland Visiting Scholarship. This visiting scholar program hosts young researchers from Norway and abroad to engage in collaborative research and to participate in and enrich the research community at the Centre and at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Deadline for applications: 15 August 2018.
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New Executive Director at IFORD Since 27 February 2018, the Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD) has a new Executive Director, Prof. Baya Banza, from Burkina Faso. He is former Director of the Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP, Ouagadougou) and former Director General of the National Institute of Statistics and Demography of Burkina Faso. A new management team has been in place over the last few months with the aim of best serving the needs of IFORD's 23 member countries.
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How do countries govern migration? In 2015, IOM developed a Migration Governance Framework (MiGOF) to help define what “well-managed migration policy” might look like at the national level. The Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) were developed to assess national frameworks, and help to operationalize the MiGOF. Country snapshots are published on the Migration Data Portal.
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LSHTM MSc Demography & Health The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine’s programmes are designed for those interested in acquiring an understanding of the structure and dynamics of population change, its causes and consequences, and their implications for health. The curriculum includes training in population theories, demographic methods including the analysis of large and complex data, statistics, and epidemiology; and focuses on contemporary population issues in low-, middle- and high-income countries, including population ageing, migration, and population-environment interactions.
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Population Journal Young Author's Prize 2019 Population is a quarterly scientific journal published in English (Population-E) and in French (Population-F) by INED. The Population Young Author Prize is open to PhD students and young researchers working in the field of population studies and will be awarded to the most outstanding original paper submitted to the competition jury. Deadline for submission: 5 November 2018.
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N-IUSSP  N-IUSSP's recent articles - Women, demography and politics, by Udi Sommer.
- Older workers in Latin America: better health but shorter working lives, by Laeticia R. De Souza, Bernardo L. Queiroz and Vegard Skirbekk.
- New data on life expectancy and standard of living in France, by Nathalie Blanpain.
- Facilitating family enlargement in Europe through dual parental employment, by Angela Greulich, Mathilde Guergoat-Larivière and Olivier Thévenon.
- Child loss in Finland: does it induce divorce or additional fertility? by Jan Saarela.
- Increasing longevity may counterbalance the negative effects of reproductive aging, by Kieron Barclay.
- Advanced maternal age and low birth weight, by Alice Goisis.
- Sexual and reproductive health in Argentina: a right for everyone? by Eleonora Rojas Cabrera.
- U.S. teen mothers’ smoking risk in adulthood, by Stefanie Mollborn, Juhee Woo and Richard Rogers.
- Effects of first birth postponement and assisted reproductive technology on completed fertility, by Henri Leridon.
- Healthy grandparenthood: how long is it, and how has it changed? by Rachel Margolis and Laura Wright.
- How long do older Americans work? by Christian Dudel and Mikko Myrskylä.
- Fewer consanguineous marriages of Muslims in Israel, by Jona Schellekens, Guy Kenan and Ahmad Hleihel.
(Read articles)
Calls Calls for papers - International Conference: Migration, Environment and Climate: What risk inequalities? Paris, France, 22‐23 October 2018. Deadline for submissions: 20 June 2018.
- 2019 Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID), call for papers on urban internal displacement. Deadline for abstract submissions: 2 July 2018.
- ECSR Thematic Workshop “Wealth Inequality and Mobility”, University of Luxembourg, Belval Campus, December 6-7, 2018. Deadline for submissions: 19 August 2018.
- Special issue of Annales de démographie historique on Social space and differentials of fertility (19th–20th centuries). Deadline for proposals: 15 September 2018.
- Population Young Author Prize. Deadline for submissions: 5 November 2018.
Training opportunities - Training workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of Population and Health Program. Kinshasa, RDC, 30 July - 15 August 2018. Deadline for applications 30 July 2018.
- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) two-week intensive course on "Matrix Approaches to Health Demography". Deadline for applications 15 August 2018
Job opportunities Employment announcements - Université Catholique de Louvain. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Migration Economics. Deadline for applications: 30 June 2018.
- Post-doctoral fellowship on Sociology and Demography, Pompeu Fabra University. Deadline for applications: 01 July 2018.
- Full Professor (Professeur des universités). Sociology & Populations studies. Sciences Po. Paris, France. Deadline for Applications: 27 July 2018.
- University of Minnesota: Associate or Full Professor – Demography/Population Studies. Deadline for Applications: 31 August 2018.
Calendar Forthcoming IUSSP meetings & other events - 6th Migration Conference (TMC 2018), Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 June 2018.
- IMISCOE’s 15th annual conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2-4 July 2018
- IUSSP Short course on Bayesian Small Area Estimation using Complex Survey Data - Methods and Applications, Shanghai, China, 10-11 July 2018.
- 4th Asian Population Association (APA) Conference. Shanghai, China, 11-14 July 2018.
- International Conference on Social Identity and Health 4, Lausanne, Switzerland, 12-14 July 2018.
- 13th Population Association of Southern Africa Conference, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 16-20 July 2018.
- Australian Population Association Conference, Darwin, Australia, 18-20 July 2018.
- 5th KOSTAT-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population, Korea, 23 Jul-10 August 2018
- XVIII World Economic History Congress - WEHC 2018, Boston, United States, 29 July-3 August 2018.
- 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18-23 August 2018.
- XXe Colloque de l'AIDELF 2018 and 44th Chaire Quetelet, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 28-31 August 2018.
- Conference on the Postponement of Parenthood, Villa Vigoni, Lake Como, Italy, 3-6 September 2018.
- 2018 World Social Science Forum. Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. 25-28 September 2018.
- VIII International Congress of the Latin American Population Association (ALAP), Puebla, Mexico, 23-26 October 2018.
- European Consortium for Sociological Research 2018 Conference, Paris, France, 29-31 October 2018.
- International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), Kigali, Rwanda, 12-15 November 2018
- IUSSP Seminar on Incidence and Safety of Abortion: New Evidence and Improvements in Measurement, Accra, Ghana, 3-5 December 2018.
Submit your announcements Feel free to share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field. IUSSP members are welcome to submit information on conferences, job openings, post-doctoral positions, and research grants for inclusion in the newsletter and IUSSP website. Please send the information to and remember to include important dates for application deadlines (and photos when appropriate). Information should be sent by email or in a Word document so that it can be edited. For inclusion in the next Bulletin, please send information by 1 September 2018. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
IUSSP Bulletin / Bulletin de l’UIESP Publication Director: Mary Ellen Zuppan, IUSSP Executive Director ISSN: 2427–0059 |