In this issue: Countdown to IPC2021 ● Call for Research Leader Sessions ● IPC 2021 Countdown Events ● Virtual Council meetings and 2020 Annual Report ● 2021 elections ● 2021 IUSSP Laureate – Zeng Yi ● Call for 2021 IUSSP–Mattei Dogan Award nominations ● PRP25: The Case for a World Migration Survey ● Measuring Pregnancy Intention ● Refugees and Climate Risks ● Contraceptive Transition Theories ● IUSSP Debate: Should FP program funds be used to further empower women or involve men? ● Population, Food and the Environment ● FP Research under COVID-19 ● News from members ● Regional population associations ● Other announcements ● N-IUSSP ● Calls for papers ● Job opportunities ● Training Courses ● Calendar
International Population Conference Countdown to IPC2021
The Call for Papers for IPC2021 is closed. Reviewers have completed their evaluations and Conveners will be creating sessions over the next several months. Read more on the programme, hubs, sponsors, side meetings.
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Call for Research Leader Sessions
Research institutions working in the population field should seize the opportunity to showcase their current research and engage with a global audience at the upcoming International Population Conference.
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IPC2021 Countdown Events
In the next few months leading up to conference, a number of online events will take place to whet your appetite and get you in the mood for IPC 2021. These will include invited sessions, keynote lectures and workshops on topics proposed by IUSSP Panels, the Early Career Taskforce and the Council. (Read more)
IUSSP Council News Virtual Council meetings and 2020 Annual Report
The IUSSP Council held virtual meetings on 18-19 February and 16-17 April 2021 to approve the 2020 financial reports and plan for 2021. To learn more about forthcoming IUSSP plans and access the 2020 Annual Report.
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2021 Elections
The Council and Committee on Nominations elections will take place from 15 Sept to 27 Oct 2021. The list of candidates is posted the IUSSP website. Make sure to renew your membership by 15 August to be able to vote.
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Virtual General Assembly: 19 November 2021
This year’s General Assembly of members will be held online on Friday 19 November 2021. The agenda and the exact time of the meeting will be announced at a later date.
IUSSP awards 2021 Laureate – Zeng Yi
The IUSSP Council selected Zeng Yi as the 2021 IUSSP Laureate. Read the nomination letter to learn more about Zeng Yi’s achievements. The laureate ceremony to honour Zeng Yi will take place virtually sometime in October.
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Call for 2021 IUSSP–Mattei Dogan Award nominations
Don’t miss this opportunity to nominate a mid-career researcher whose work is interdisciplinary and focuses on international comparisons. The Award carries a $3,500 prize. The Awardee will give a short keynote at the IPC2021. Deadline for Nominations: 15 September 2021.
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IUSSP Publications The Case for a World Migration Survey
In this Policy & Research Paper, members of the IUSSP Panel on International Migration advocate for the development and implementation of a World Migration Survey to generate international comparative information on significant and unrevealed aspects of migrants and migration.
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IUSSP Meetings Measuring Pregnancy Intention
The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Abortion Research held a virtual workshop on “Methodologies for measuring pregnancy intention and unintended pregnancy and birth” to identify advantages and disadvantages of new methodologies.
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Cyberseminar on Refugees and Climate Risks
The Population-Environment Research Network (PERN) held a cyberseminar on “Refugee and internally displaced populations, environmental impacts and climate risks”. Read the background paper, expert papers and postings, and watch the kick-off webinar.
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Contraceptive Transition Theories - Report
The report from the series of workshops held in October by the IUSSP Panel on Contraceptive Transition Theories is now available.
(Read the report)
IUSSP Webinar Series
Save the date for IUSSP’s next webinar on “Climate Change and Population Dynamics” to be organized by PERN in collaboration with IUSSP and EAPS on 16 September (10:00 New York | 16:00 Paris | 19:30 New Delhi).
IUSSP Debate: Should FP program funds be used to further empower women or involve men?
The IUSSP Panel on Couples' Reproductive Health and Fertility organized an online debate on the question: “Should FP programs in patriarchal societies use limited funds to further empower women or to involve men?” Watch the video of this lively debate.
Population, Food and the Environment
The IUSSP and PAA jointly organized a webinar on “Population, Food and the Environment”. The webinar's starting point was the outcome of a bet on food prices made ten years ago between panelists David Lam and Stan Becker. The webinar was featured in an article in The Guardian. Watch the webinar.
FP Research under COVID-19
The IUSSP organized a webinar on “Family Planning Research under the COVID-19 Pandemic: How is it going and what are we finding?” Eight researchers shared findings from their experiences on collecting data under the pandemic. Read the brief prepared by the Center on Gender Equity and Health and watch the recorded webinar.
News from the members Members' new publications - Méthodes de mesure de la mobilité spatiale: Migrations internes, mobilité temporaire, navettes, Daniel Courgeau. Preface for this new edition by Guillaume Le Roux and Célio Sierra-Paycha.
(Read summaries)
New IUSSP members Eighteen new members and 84 new Student Associates joined the IUSSP between 1 March 2021 and 1 June 2021. (See list)
In memory
We are saddened by the passing of Dr Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo on 12 May after a period of illness. Iwu was a strong advocate for gender studies in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, and had served as a member of the Panel on Young People’s Life Course in Developing Countries (2011-2014).
The IUSSP is saddened to announce the death of Prof. James Ntozi who passed away on 19 May in Kampala, Uganda at the age of 75. He participated actively in past UAPS and IUSSP Conferences and meetings and never failed to pass by the IUSSP booth to say hello.
Dr. K. G. Basavarajappa died on 11 September 2020 in Ottawa (Canada). Born in Mysore state, India, he had a very successful career working in different capacities in several institutions in India, Australia, the United States and Canada.
Regional population associations PAA 2021 annual meeting PAA is pleased to report that PAA 2021 was a resounding success (read more). It’s now time to turn to PAA 2022 will take place 6-9 April 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. Look out for the Call for Papers.
New dates for 5th APA: 3-5 August 2021 The 5th Asian Population Association (APA) virtual conference is postponed to 3-5 August 2021 (from 20-22 July 2021). This is to accommodate participants who might be observing Eid al-Adha. Please read the attached PDF for more information on the conference.
Other announcements Human Mortality Database project
The French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) joined the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) and the University of California, Berkeley in the Human Mortality Database project (HMD). Recognized worldwide as an essential source of mortality statistics for over 40 countries, HMD is composed of historical mortality series based on top quality methods and data. HMD data are available free of charge upon registration. (Learn more)
EU Atlas of Demography The Atlas of Demography is a new, interactive and multidimensional tool developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission to visualize, monitor and anticipate demographic change at a very high spatial resolution. It aims at informing policy areas, such as health, labour, education, access to services and amenities, territorial and cohesion policies. (Read more)
Master in Generational Economy and Public Policy
The Master in Generational Economy and Public Policy (MEGPP) is a joint postgraduate degree programme between the Centre of Excellence for Research in Generational Economy (CREG) and several partner universities and institutions. This online course is designed to prepare the next generation of specialists on demographic and economic issues in Africa. The deadline for submissions is 31 August 2021. (Read more)
N-IUSSP Recent articles
- It all depends on how you do it. Health effects of leaving the labour market, Elena Pirani, Gustavo De Santis, Francesca Zanasi.
- International migrants in Sweden, over-coverage, and mortality, Matthew Wallace, Ben Wilson.
- Skip-generation household trends in low- and middle-income countries, Zachary Zimmer, Emily Treleaven.
- Italians and foreigners: how distant are they, culturally speaking?, Gustavo De Santis, Mauro Maltagliati, Alessandra Petrucci.
- America’s retirement riddle, Joseph Chamie.
- Longer lives, poorer health in England, Stephen Jivraj, Alissa Goodman, Benedetta Pongiglione, George Ploubidis.
- Hypergamy on the decline in Europe, Dávid Erát
- The role of non-resident family in migration after separation, Amy Spring, Clara H. Mulder, Michael J. Thomas, Thomas J. Cooke.
- Children of same-sex parents: an educational success story, Jan Kabátek, Francisco Perales.
- Pleasure and fidelity: Italian millennials and sex, Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna, Daniele Vignoli.
- Accelerating fertility decline through education and family planning, Daphne H. Liu, Adrian E. Raftery.
(Read articles)
Calls Calls for Papers - Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2021 on “The causes and consequences of depopulation” Online, 29 November-1 December 2021. Deadline for submissions: extended to 30 June 2021
- Virtual National Migration and Urbanisation Conference. South Africa. 26-30 July 2021 Deadline for submissions: 30 June 2021
- Pandemic Babies? The Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Fertility and Family Dynamics. Harnack House, Berlin, Germany, 13-14 December 2021. Deadline for submissions: 1 August 2021
- 10th Annual LRPP Meeting: “From Hubs to Bubs: Linking research, policy and practice. The international edition.” Tentatively planned for 18 November 2021. Abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2021
- 4th Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography. Madrid, Spain, 2-5 March 2022. Deadline for submissions: 26 September 2021
- Population and Reproductive Health Dynamics under Covid-19 in sub-Sahara Africa. First quarter of 2022. Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2021
Job opportunities Jobs/Fellowships - Assistant Scientist on gender equity in health data. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Deadline for applications: 1 July 2021
- Australian National University. Lecturers in Demography (x2 positions). Deadline for applications: 9 July 2021
- Hunter College. CUNY . Faculty Open Rank - Demography. Deadline for applications: 15 August 2021
- Associate Professor in Population Studies. Norwegian Historical Data Centre, UiT the Arctic University of Norway, campus Tromsø. Deadline for applications: 16 August 2021
Doctoral / Post-Doctoral Positions - University of Leuven, Belgium. Junior Researcher. Precarious family lives and the recent fertility downturn in Europe. Deadline for applications: 1 July 2021
- Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships at MPIDR. Deadline for applications:15 August 2021
- Postdoc Fellow position at the National University of Singapore for Research Project on Southeast Asian Family Dynamic Study. Deadline for applications: 31 October 2021
Training Courses or Workshops - Online training workshops on qualitative research organized by Emory University in August 2021. Registration deadline is one week before each course starts.
Calendar Forthcoming IUSSP meetings & other events - Book Launch: Social Background and the Demographic Life Course: Cross-National Comparisons. Online. 25 June 2021
- Webinar: Closing data gaps and promoting evidence-informed decision-making for food security and nutrition. Online. 1 July 2021
- Live webinar: Learn how NORC is using innovative methods and technologies to estimate the size of hidden populations. Online. 7 July 2021
- 5th Asian Population Association Conference. Online. 3-5 August 2021
- SciDataCon part of International Data Week. Seoul, Korea. 12-13 November 2021
- Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2021 on “The causes and consequences of depopulation.” Online, 29 November-1 December 2021
- IUSSP Seminar on African Demography in Historical Perspective, Nairobi, Kenya, 30 November-2 December 2021
- 2021 International Population Conference (IPC2021), Online. 5-10 December 2021
- Pandemic Babies? The Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Fertility and Family Dynamics. Berlin, Germany. 13-14 December 2021
- IUSSP Seminar on Unintended Pregnancy and Key Outcomes—Abortion and Unplanned Births. New Delhi, India (postponed to 2022)
- 4th Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography. Madrid, Spain, 2-5 March 2022
- Sixth International Conference on Family Planning. Pattaya City, Thailand, 14-17 November 2022
Submit your announcements Feel free to share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field. IUSSP members are welcome to submit information on conferences, job openings, post-doctoral positions, and research grants for inclusion in the newsletter and IUSSP website. Please send the information to and remember to include important dates for application deadlines (and photos when appropriate). You should send information by email or in a Word document (so it can be edited if needed). For inclusion in the next Bulletin, please send information by 1 September 2021. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
IUSSP Bulletin / Bulletin de l’UIESP Publication Director: Mary Ellen Zuppan, IUSSP Executive Director ISSN: 2427–0059 |