A cross-national comparison of adolescent bullying victimization in Mumbai India, Melbourne Australia and Seattle US

School violence begins with less serious bullying and victimization. It is important to investigate whether adolescent bullying victimization has comparable associations and determinants among countries. Paper deals with the International Youth Development Study project, and explore cross-national difference in bullying victimization in Seattle USA, Melbourne Australia and Mumbai India. A representative sample of 4,700 students in school Grade 5, 7 and 9 were surveyed in India in 2010. Sampling methods, survey procedures and instruments were matched to enable cross-national comparison with same-aged student cohorts surveyed in Seattle (N = 2,866) and Melbourne (N = 2,864). Analyses compared the prevalence of bullying victimization in matched age and gender cohorts. Prevalence rates for violence victimization were lower in Mumbai compared to the Melbourne and Seattle. Females showed lower levels of violence victimization compared to males in all three nations. As the adolescents reach higher grades, violence victimization was decreasing in Mumbai in comparison to those in Melbourne and Seattle. School violence contributes to maladjustment in young people. Prevention and intervention programs should target bullying as an important risk factor.
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49 375
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Maternity during adolescence: cause or consequence of dropping out? Some evidence from southern cone countries

Even though fertility during adolescence can be considered to favor dropping out, recent research suggests that maternity might constitute a life plan for those young women who live in contexts in which education is limited and rejected, or who lack (other) choices for the future. Considering this dilemma, we try to identify the prevailing order of the events, maternity and dropping out, in Southern Cone countries (Argentina and Uruguay). These countries do not have data collection instruments which allow for revealing the chronological order of the events. Nonetheless, it is possible to carry out an approximation exercise with census and household surveys data from the information about the educational situation, the number of school years completed, the young woman's age, her current fertility (children born during the last year) and retrospective fertility (total number of children). We use data of the Argentinean census (2001) and Household Survey of Uruguay (2006). At the same time, we are interested in finding out if becoming a mother has a different impact on the education of teenagers (and vice versa) according to their socioeconomic level, and the cultural and geographical sector they belong to.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
48 671
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Maternité adolescente : cause ou conséquence du décrochage scolaire ? L’expérience de pays du Cône Sud à partir de données de recensement
Abstract (Translated)
Si l'on peut considérer la fécondité à l'adolescence comme un facteur de décrochage scolaire, de récentes études indiquent que la maternité pourrait constituer un projet de vie pour ces jeunes femmes qui vivent dans un contexte où l'accès à l'instruction leur est refusé ou limité, ou qui n'ont pas d'autres choix pour l'avenir. Face à ce dilemme, et sur la base des résultats des derniers recensements, nous essaierons d'identifier dans quel ordre interviennent le plus souvent ces événements, maternité et décrochage, dans les pays du Cône Sud (Argentine, Chili et Uruguay). Dans le même temps, nous chercherons à déterminer si le fait de devenir mère a un impact différent sur l'éducation des adolescents (et vice-versa) suivant le niveau socio-économique et le secteur culturel et géographique auquel ces jeunes femmes appartiennent
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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First Choice History
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Growing Gains, Growing Pains: What Explains Asian American Youth’s Academic Advantage over Whites?

Asian Americans youth gradually gain an academic advantage over their white peers in the years from elementary to high school. What accounts for this Asian-white divergence in academic performance over time? Using two longitudinal data sets, the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K) and the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS), we construct academic trajectories of Asians and whites in U.S. schools and attempt to answer this question. Our research rejects a cognitive explanation, i.e., Asians become cognitively more able than whites over time. Instead, we find substantial support for a non-cognitive explanation: Asian students gradually outperform white students because the former develop better non-cognitive skills than the latter over time. This research adds an already large literature attesting the importance of non-cognitive skills for child development as well as for human capital formation.
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Event ID
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53 397
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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First Choice History
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Motherhood during schooling: to which extent is it a risk for early completion of studies in Romania and some other European countries?

Early motherhood, during schooling, has usually negative consequences on women’s later life. For teenage girls, a pregnancy ending in a birth increases the risks of dropping out education, because she could be in need to handle with child and family. Consequently her accumulated human capital will reduce, as well as her ability to take advantage of life opportunities. The gender equality will deteriorate.
Adopting a life course perspective, I study the impact of the transition to motherhood on educational enrolment in Romania and other European countries (with GGS data) based on the presupposition that early motherhood has a negative effect, by reducing educational aspirations. However, since institutional and cultural factors do play a crucial role in shaping life-course interrelationship, I intend to disentangle between three periods: the 1980s, the 1990s, and the 2000s. For Romania and other former-communist countries these periods mark: i) the last years of the communist authoritarian regime, ii) the first years of transition to democracy and market economy, and iii) the consolidated capitalist regime. For the countries with stable sociopolitical regimes, the comparative analyses by period reveal the dynamic of the relationship between teenage motherhood and completion of studies, and highlight differences with CEE countrs.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
47 757
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Maternités précoces en Roumanie et dans d’autres pays d’Europe : un risque d’interruption des études ?
Abstract (Translated)
Les maternités précoces, qui surviennent durant les études, ont généralement un impact négatif sur la vie des jeunes filles concernées à l’âge adulte. Chez les adolescentes, une grossesse qui se termine par une naissance accroît les risques d’interruption des études, parce qu’elles sont appelées à s’occuper de leur enfant et de leur famille. De ce fait, leur capital humain accumulé diminue, de même que leur capacité à saisir les opportunités, avec pour conséquence une détérioration de l’égalité entre les genres. Selon la perspective du parcours de vie, j’étudie l’impact de la transition vers la maternité sur le taux de scolarisation en Roumanie et d’autres pays européens (à partir de données GGS), en partant du présupposé que les maternités précoces ont un impact négatif parce qu’elles réduisent l’ambition scolaire des jeunes filles. Cependant, les facteurs institutionnels et culturels jouent également un rôle crucial dans l’orientation des parcours de vie, et je vais donc distinguer trois périodes : les années 1980, les années 1990 et les années 2000. Pour la Roumanie et d’autres anciens pays communistes, ces périodes marquent :i) les dernières années du régime communiste autoritaire, ii) les premières années de transition vers la démocratie et l’économie de marché, et iii) la consolidation du régime capitaliste. Pour les pays jouissant d’un système sociopolitique stable, l’analyse comparative par période met en lumière la dynamique de la relation entre maternité adolescente et achèvement des études, et souligne les différences avec les pays de l’Union européenne.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme