Social Group Disparities in Higher Education: Decompositional analysis for India and Major States

Disparity, measured in terms of educational attainment by social groups in India gives an insight into the progress made as a result of existing affirmative policies. Affirmative policies implemented for almost six decades are expected to bring the traditionally backward social group representation in higher education in par with the traditionally forward social group. An attempt was made to measure the intra and inter group disparities by demographic characteristics between and among the social groups by using the Theil index. Analysis showed that between groups disparity exists by social groups and within social group disparity is almost negligible in higher education. Analysis, further carried out by background characteristics of these social groups showed that within group disparity is seen only in females for all the states of India. Between group disparity showed that the group other is having higher educational attainment whereas traditionally backward social groups of India such still lag far behind the traditionally forward group others in terms of educational attainment. The disparities are multifaceted and differ from state to state in terms of the background characteristics. The policy maker should concentrate on this multifaceted disparity to achieve the equality in terms of achievement in higher education.

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24 058
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Impacts of maternal education of Bolsa Familia on educational outcomes children

This article shows findings on research about maternal level of education impacts of children’s education outcomes among beneficiaries of Bolsa Familia cash transfer program in Cruz das Almas city. Bolsa Familia is implemented since 2003. It is the most important Brazilian social cash transfer program. It serves millions of Brazilian people. Children of Bolsa Familia can be first generation of families that stay for a long in school. A lot of parents cannot go to school. So, it is possible to think these children’s education outcomes can be affected by low level education of their parents. The questions of this study are based on discussions of sociology of education. Daniel Thin points out conflicts between logic and values of school system and ways of socialization student’s popular families. School system is organized by rational, abstract, logical conceptions, and long term planning. It was used qualitative methodology. Mothers and teachers of students beneficiaries have been interviewed. It was long and interviews, questions used a semistructured interview guide covering any important subjects as the maternal education trajectory, maternal experience of school, adult families’ school and labor trajectories, and mother’s experiences with servants and teacher of her children.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 752
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Regular session only
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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Availability and Accessibility of Higher Education: A Comparative Analysis of Status of Higher Education between Scheduled Castes and Non-Scheduled students in Uttar Pradesh

Submitted By
Sahab Deen
Ph.D Scholar, CSRD/SSS, JNU, India
Education plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the society. The educational factor is considered as the prime factor in the direction of removing social inequality. This paper focuses on comparison of the development of higher education between Scheduled Castes and Non-Scheduled Caste population in Uttar Pradesh after the liberalisation policy (post 1991) initiated by the Indian Government. The present paper analyse the district level pattern of enrollment in higher education among Scheduled Castes. Further, this study focuses on four important aspects of the above-mentioned issue. Firstly, it examines the distribution, spatial disparity and inequality in achievement of higher education among the Scheduled Castes and Non-Scheduled population in Uttar Pradesh. Further second section identifies different regions of unequal development in terms of achievement of higher education in several courses. Third section analyse the impact availability of colleges on gross enrollment ratio in Scheduled Castes concentrated districts of Uttar Pradesh. Fourth section examines the statistical analysis which highlights the factors responsible for such inequality in achievement of higher education.
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Event ID
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54 285
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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Change in Determinants of Public and Private Schooling System in Pakistan, from 1998-99 to 2007-08

A positive change has been observed since the start of previous decade with continuous improvement in enrollment rates. At the same time, government’s share in enrollment is falling at all levels over the period. Private schooling system has played a primary role in turning around the stagnant rates of enrollment, particularly in urban and semi urban areas. This study aims to find out the determinants of public and private schooling systems. We will analyze the behavioral changes of parents over the last ten years i.e. from 1998-99 to 2007-08. We will use Pakistan Integrated Household Survey (PIHS) 1998-99 and Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM) 2007-08 data. In order to understand changes in enrolment, we will study change in household size, monthly per capita consumption, parents’ education, per student expenditure on education, livelihood status of parents and number of children under 15 years in the household.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
23 959
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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During the past years there has been an increase in the interest on studies of factors associated with school performance. Using a new database elaborated by Caed (2011) with results from a climate school and a socioeconomic questionnaire, together with the results of external evaluation of Mathematics and Portuguese applied to Brazilian students, the goal of this study is to analyze if the School Climate research carried out by Caed (2011) enables to differentiate the high and low performance schools and what type of correlation exists between school climate and school efficiency. For Caed (2001) the school climate is based on students’ feelings and ideas regarding learning and progress, the comfort and safety provided by the school, relationship among students, teachers and director, and the sense of belonging and of inclusion of students in the school. Preliminary results from one Brazilian state, and students from the 5th grade of Primary Education confirm the hypothesis that the school climate enables to differentiate high and low performance schools and to check for the existence of a correlation with school efficiency, measured by the aggregate value of the school. The complete work will comprise ten Brazilian states and students from 5th and 9th grades of Primary Education and from 3rd grade of Secondary Education
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Event ID
Paper presenter
24 057
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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Equity and educational quality in Cordoba city- Argentine

The project aims to contribute to knowledge about educational issues, to deepen the public debate and citizen participation and inclusion in the state's agenda of issues affecting the equity and educational quality, recognizing and developing the potential that the democratization of knowledge and information imply for social transformation for the common good.
The proposal hopes to collect information in schools and primary-level in Cordoba city, to assess the implementation of compliance programs and educational rights.
The information generated and systematized by the educational system can monitor certain rights, which can be categorized primarily in terms and coverage of the education system, but completely prevented monitor the implementation of the rights included in the categories of quality and citizenship.
The specific objectives can be summarized in the following paragraph:
Monitor the performance of the educational rights of children in Cordoba city, enhance linkages with academic institutions, civil society, business and citizens to exercise new forms of accountability, participation and action in the educational problems that afflict our society.
Priority is given to strategies to reveal primary educational problems and serve as input for public deliberation and citizen participation.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
23 994
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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The effect of high education on child weight in Italy

Previous estimates of the effect of mother’s education on low birthweight may be severely biased
from the presence of unobservable variables. This analysis is based on a bivariate probit model,
addressing the potential endogeneity of education attainment using the semester of mother’s birth
as an instrument for entry age at school. The model is applied to a dataset of more than 12,000
deliveries collected in an Italian region. The analysis confirms that standard probability models bias
the measure of education on birthweight. Our findings indicate that high education has positive
consequences on child health, implying that policy efforts to improve education should have also
benefits for welfare.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
51 643
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
-Impact d'un haut niveau d'instruction sur le poids de naissance des nouveaux-nés en Italie
Abstract (Translated)
-Les précédentes estimations du rôle du niveau d'instruction des mères sur le faible poids de naissance des nouveaux-nés pourraient être fortement biaisées du fait de l'existence de variables non observables. Cette analyse est fondée sur un modèle Biprobit, et évalue l'endogénéité potentielle du niveau d'instruction atteint, le semestre de naissance de la mère servant à déterminer l'âge d'entrée à l'école. Ce modèle est appliqué à un ensemble de données collecté dans une région d'Italie et correspondant à plus de 12 000 naissances. L'analyse confirme que les modèles de probabilité standard biaisent la mesure de l'impact du niveau d'instruction sur le poids de naissance. Nos résultats montrent qu'un niveau d'instruction élevé joue un rôle positif sur la santé infantile, et par conséquent, les politiques visant à améliorer l'éducation devraient également avoir des répercussions positives sur la santé.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Sources of Inequality in Children’s Development

Children’s educational achievement is important to success in adult life. Previous research has shown, for example, that achievement is associated with educational attainment, adult economic status, and health outcomes. Inequality in children’s achievement by socioeconomic status is of significance because it is intrinsically undesirable and because of its potentially important role in the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage. We investigate the dimensions of intergenerational socioeconomic status and family background that matter most for inequality in children’s achievement. The goals are threefold. First, we examine inequality in children’s achievement outcomes and the effects of inequality in family socioeconomic status. Second, we examine multigenerational effects of family socioeconomic status on inequality in children’s achievement by examining and contrasting the effects of parents’ and grandparents’ status. Third, we advance statistical and mathematical methods for analyzing inequality in children’s outcomes (or other measures) that incorporate regression-based decomposition. We examine effects of parent and grandparent income, wealth, education, cognitive skills, and neighborhood economic status. We use data from the U.S. Panel Study of Income Dynamics’ Core and Child Development Supplement.
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Event ID
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24 060
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Decline of family size, the demographic dividend their unequal effects on children within and across households in Ouagadougou

Over the past decades, many studies have documented the impact of declining fertility on the well-being of children. Few studies, however, have dealt with the sub-Saharan African context or examined the distribution of benefits within and across households during the fertility transition – the possible effects on social inequities. Our paper empirically examines systematic changes in boys’ and girls’ schooling in Ouagadougou (capital city of Burkina Faso), where total fertility has fallen from over 6 to 3.5 in recent years. More precisely, which households and, within households with regard to parents’ resource allocation decisions, which children benefit more (or pay the costs) of declining family size? Data are from the 2010 DHS and from the DEMTREND Project of the Ouagadougou DSS which follows a population of approximately 85000. This surveillance system is one of two that exists in large African cities. Early results indicate that the benefits of fertility decline in terms of schooling are no equally distributed either within or across households, acting to reinforce socioeconomic inequality in the next generation.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
23 965
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
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Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Decline of family size, the demographic dividend their unequal effects on children schooling within and across households in Ouagadougou

Over the past decades, many studies have documented the impact of declining fertility on the well-being of children. Few studies, however, have dealt with the sub-Saharan African context or examined the distribution of benefits within and across households during the fertility transition – the possible effects on social inequities. Our paper empirically examines systematic changes in boys’ and girls’ schooling in Ouagadougou (capital city of Burkina Faso), where total fertility has fallen from over 6 to 3.5 in recent years. More precisely, which households and, within households with regard to parents’ resource allocation decisions, which children benefit more (or pay the costs) of declining family size? Data are from the 2010 DHS and from the DEMTREND Project of the Ouagadougou DSS which follows a population of approximately 85000. This surveillance system is one of two that exists in large African cities. Early results indicate that the benefits of fertility decline in terms of schooling are no equally distributed either within or across households, acting to reinforce socioeconomic inequality in the next generation.
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
53 869
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
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Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme