What can we know about the elderly in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay? A glance on data from the Human Rights Based Approach
The generalization of the ageing process, and the diversity of social, economic and cultural scenarios that this process constitutes for the elderly have configured a demand for research which poses new challenges.
In this regard, conceptual progress is important, but the methodological and operationalization challenges still persist. Three theoretical dimensions have been systematized for Latin America for the study of old age, and specific indicators systems have been proposed. As far as the methodological aspect is concerned, this has been less clear on how to proceed in uneven national contexts, and with the available data sources.
Within this framework, we ask ourselves which possibilities there are to advance in the study of the elderly based on the information that is available in four countries in Latin America. Therefore, this research proposes to explore the available data sources taking as a reference the proposal for indicators made by CELADE (2006), with a view from the Human Rights Based Approach. An exploratory design is put forward, based on the analysis of questionnaires of a selection of data sources.
In this regard, conceptual progress is important, but the methodological and operationalization challenges still persist. Three theoretical dimensions have been systematized for Latin America for the study of old age, and specific indicators systems have been proposed. As far as the methodological aspect is concerned, this has been less clear on how to proceed in uneven national contexts, and with the available data sources.
Within this framework, we ask ourselves which possibilities there are to advance in the study of the elderly based on the information that is available in four countries in Latin America. Therefore, this research proposes to explore the available data sources taking as a reference the proposal for indicators made by CELADE (2006), with a view from the Human Rights Based Approach. An exploratory design is put forward, based on the analysis of questionnaires of a selection of data sources.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
50 946
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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