In this issue: Population, Poverty and Inequality Research Conference ● Recruiting Reviewers for IPC2021 ● 2019 Laureate Ceremony for Alberto Palloni ● Call for 2020 IUSSP Laureate ● Climate Change, Human Migration and Health Mini-Conference ● International Migration Panel activities ● News from the members ● Regional population associations ● Other announcements ● N-IUSSP ● Calls ● Job opportunities ● Calendar
Population, Poverty and Inequality The IUSSP Research Conference on Population, Poverty and Inequality will be held (next week) 27-29 June 2019 at the University of Michigan. Live streaming of plenary sessions will be available from the IUSSP home page starting Thursday 27 June at 9 am EST (13:00 GMT).
(See the conference agenda)
International Population Conference Recruiting Reviewers for IPC2021 The 2021 International Population Conference (IPC2021) will take place 5-10 December 2021 in Hyderabad, India. The call for papers will be issued in early 2020 and the deadline for submissions will be 7 January 2021. The organizing committee plans to recruit up to 300 reviewers with expertise in a broad range of thematic and topical areas to assure 2 reviews for each abstract submitted to the Call for Papers.
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IUSSP Laureate 2019 Laureate. Alberto Palloni Alberto Palloni was presented with the IUSSP Laureate Award at a ceremony held in his honour during the annual meeting of the Population Association of America. The ceremony was filmed. To learn more about Alberto Palloni’s remarkable career and view the videos read on.
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Call for 2020 IUSSP Laureate and eligibility extension The IUSSP Council decided to adjust the eligibility criteria for 2020 Laureate nominations to make them more inclusive. To be eligible for consideration, an individual must now have been a member of the IUSSP for at least 10 years (rather than 20 years). (Read more... and consider nominating a colleague)
IUSSP Panel Activities Climate Change, Human Migration and Health Mini-Conference 
Forty scholars from across the globe came together in Boulder, Colorado on 20-21 May to share research on how climate change is influencing human migration patterns, while also impacting human health. (Read more)
International Migration Panel activities The IUSSP Panel on International Migration: Strengthening the Knowledge Base for Policy is organizing a number of activities on several continents with the aim to encourage population scholars to address conceptual, technical and policy issues concerning international migration and to engage emerging population scientists in international migration scholarship. (Read more)
News from the members Members’ new publications - Time Use and Transfers in the Americas. Producing, Consuming, and Sharing Time Across Generations and Genders, edited by B. Piedad Urdinola and Jorge A. Tovar.
(Read summaries)
New IUSSP members 15 new members and 44 new student associates joined the IUSSP between 1 March and 1 June 2019. (See list)
In Memory Roger Schofield (1937-2019). Roger Schofield died on April 8, 2019. He had gained worldwide recognition for his contributions to the ingenious reconstruction of the population history of England and played an important role in the international development of historical demography, participating in two IUSSP Committees on Historical Demography.
Regional population associations 2019 African Population Conference in Entebbe The 8th African Population Conference, organized by the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS), will take place in Entebbe, Uganda, 18-22 November 2019. The online submission of papers or abstracts is now open. Deadline for submissions: 30 June 2019.
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XXI International AIDELF Conference The XXI International AIDELF Conference will take place from 26 to 29 May 2020 in Athens (Greece) on the theme: "Demography and crises". See call for papers in pdf. Deadline for submissions: 15 September 2019.
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2020 European Population Conference The European Association for Population Studies (EAPS) invites submissions to the European Population Conference 2020, which will be held in Padova, Italy, 24-27 June 2020. Abstracts for EPC 2020 can only be submitted at Deadline for submissions: 1 November 2019.
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2020 PAA Annual Meeting The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America will take place at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC, 22-25 April 2020. The call for papers will soon be posted on the PAA website with a deadline for abstract submissions around mid-September 2019.
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Other announcements World Population Prospects 2019 The UN Population Division released World Population Prospects 2019, the 26th edition of the UN’s population estimates and projections. From an estimated 7.7 billion people worldwide in 2019, the medium-variant projection indicates that the global population could grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050, and 10.9 billion in 2100.
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Second Asian Population Forum The Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI) at Shanghai University, in collaboration with Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis, is organizing the Second Asian Population Forum in Shanghai, China, 11-12 October 2019. See Call for papers and training workshops. Deadline for submissions: 15 July 2019.
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Population Journal Young Author's Prize Population is a quarterly scientific journal published in English (Population-E) and in French (Population-F) by INED. The Population Young Author Prize 2020 is open to PhD students and young researchers working in the field of population studies and will be awarded to the most outstanding original paper submitted to the competition jury. Deadline for submission: 5 November 2019.
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Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Populacao Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Populacao (Rebep) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes population related papers in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. Rebep is a very well-established journal (35 years), with a long tradition in Brazilian Demography and now aiming to make the journal more visible internationally.
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Recent articles - Local childcare availability and dual earner fertility in Belgium, Jonas Wood and Karel Neels
- Homicides in Latin America: a global health challenge, Jose Manuel Aburto and Vladimir Canudas-Romo
- Another reason why the fertility-contraceptive relationship has weakened, Yoonjoung Choi, Madeleine Short Fabic and Jacob Adetunji
- Does broadband Internet affect fertility in Germany? Francesco Billari, Osea Giuntella and Luca Stella
- Longer and shifted reproductive lives amongst adolescent mothers, John Tomkinson
- Socioeconomic disparities in Finnish children’s family life, Marika Jalovaara and Gunnar Andersson
- Work stress among older employees in Germany: effects on health and retirement age, Jana Mäcken
- Where, in India, is hospital birth safer for babies than home birth? Diane Coffey
- Low migrant death rates: actual or artefactual? Matthew Wallace
- Persistence and reversals in Nordic fertility, Marika Jalovaara, Gerda Neyer and Gunnar Andersson
- Education disruptions in the 1980s contributed to the stalled fertility decline in Africa around 2000, Endale Kebede, Anne Goujon, Wolfgang Lutz and Nicholas Gailey
- Gender equality and fertility: is there a connection? Martin Kolk
- Global family change: persistent diversity with development, Luca Maria Pesando
(Read articles)
Calls IUSSP Calls for papers - International Seminar on Family Demography and Family Law around the World, Montreal, Canada, 27–29 April 2020. Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 July 2019.
- Second International Seminar on New and Emerging Family Forms around the World. Manila, Philippines, 20-21 January 2020. Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1 August 2019.
Other calls for papers - Data for Good Exchange 2019: Data Science for the SDGs. Bloomberg Global Headquarters, New York City, United States, 15 September 2019. Deadline for submissions: 17 June 2019
- CODATA 2019 : Towards next-generation data-driven science: policies, practices and platforms. Beijing, China, 19-20 September 2019. Deadline for submissions of Presentations and Posters: 24 June 2019
- 8th African Population Conference. Entebbe, Uganda, 18-22 November 2019. Deadline for submissions: 30 June 2019
- Special issue of the Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS) on “Data-driven HIV prevention: the HIV prevention cascade and beyond”, to be published in conjunction with AIDS 2020. Deadline for submissions: 15 July 2019
- The Second Asian Population Forum. Shanghai, China, 11-12 October 2019. Deadline for submissions: 15 July 2019
- International Forum on Migration Statistics. Cairo, Egypt, 20-21 January 2020. Deadline for submissions: 31 July 2019
- Genus call for papers: Thematic Issue on "Changes in the sexual behavior of young people". Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2019
- Special issue of the International Journal of Population Studies on Environment and Population Dynamics in South Asia. Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2019
- African Population Studies Special Issue: Decomposition Techniques in African Demographic Research. Deadline for submissions: 31 October 2019
Training opportunities - Training Workshop: Methods and Models for Spatial Analysis on Population and Climate Change. Shanghai, China, 5-9 Oct 2019. Deadline for applications: 15 July 2019
- Training Workshop: R for Demography and IUSSP Workshop on Estimating Migration with R. Shanghai, China, 5-9 Oct 2019. Deadline for applications: 15 July 2019
- Training Workshop: Methods in developing sub-national population and human capital models and its applications. Shanghai, China, 13-17 Oct 2019. Deadline for applications: 15 July 2019
- Rostock Open Science Workshop. Rostock, Germany, 10-11 Oct 2019. Deadline for applications: 19 July 2019.
- National University of Singapore. Social Science Research Methods Workshops. Deadline for applications: 22 July 2019
Job opportunities Doctoral / Post-Doctoral Positions - Postdoctoral Fellow for a Research Project on the Role of Occupational Segregation by Race/Ethnicity and Immigrant Status on Older Adult Health. UCLA / Princeton University. Deadline for applications: 30 September 2019
Calendar Forthcoming IUSSP meetings & other events - 21st Nordic Demographic Symposium. Reykjavik, Iceland, 13-15 June 2019
- 6th Annual International Conference on Demography and Population Studies. Athens, Greece, 17-20 Jun 2019
- Summer Institute in Computational Social Science. Cape Town, South Africa, 17-28 June 2019
- The Migration Conference 2019. Bari, Italy, 18-20 June 2019
- International Metropolis Conference – The Promise of Migration: Inclusion, Economic Growth and Global Cooperation. Ottawa, Canada, 24-28 June 2019.
- IUSSP Population, Poverty and Inequality Research Conference. Ann Arbor, United States, 27-29 June 2019
- ASA 2019 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, United States, 10-14 August 2019
- IUSSP Seminar on Kinship and Reproduction in Past Societies. Minneapolis, United States, 22-23 August 2019
- CODATA 2019 Conference. Beijing, China, 19-20 September 2019.
- International conference: Demographic Challenges in Africa - The Contributions of Census and Civil Registration Data, organized by DEMOSTAF in partnership with INED, AFD, IUSSP, UNFPA, and MEAE. Paris, France, 16-18 October 2019
- Generations & Gender Programme (GGP) Data visualization workshop in R. Paris, France, 22 October 2019
- 5th Generations & Gender Programme (GGP) User Conference. Paris, France, 24-25 October 2019
- Quetelet Seminar: Demographic Change along the Urban-Rural Gradient. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 7-8 November 2019
- 8th African Population conference. Entebbe, Uganda, 18-22 November 2019
- 14th Supercentenarian Seminar. INED, Paris, France, 28-29 November 2019
- 2nd IUSSP Seminar on New and Emerging Family Forms around the World. Manila, Philippines, 20-21 January 2020
- International Forum on Migration Statistics. Cairo, Egypt, 20-21 January 2020
- 2020 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), Washington D.C., United States, 22-25 April 2020
- IUSSP Seminar on Family Demography and Family Law around the World. Montreal, Canada, 27-29 April 2020
- XXIe colloque international de l’Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française (AIDELF). Athens, Greece, 26-29 May 2020
- 2020 European Population Conference (EPC2020). Padova, Italy, 24-27 June 2020
- 2021 International Population Conference (IPC2021). Hyderabad, India, 5-10 December 2021
Submit your announcements Feel free to share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field. IUSSP members are welcome to submit information on conferences, job openings, post-doctoral positions, and research grants for inclusion in the newsletter and IUSSP website. Please send the information to and remember to include important dates for application deadlines (and photos when appropriate). Information should be sent by email or in a Word document so that it can be edited. For inclusion in the next Bulletin, please send information by 1 September 2019. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
IUSSP Bulletin / Bulletin de l’UIESP Publication Director: Mary Ellen Zuppan, IUSSP Executive Director ISSN: 2427–0059 |