In this issue: COVID-19 pandemic and IUSSP activities ● 2nd cohort of Urban Family Planning fellows ● International Migration activities ● 2nd Seminar on New and Emerging Family Forms ● Population-Environment activities ● News from the members ● Regional population associations ● Other announcements ● N-IUSSP ● Calls for papers ● Training opportunities ● Job opportunities ● Calendar
COVID-19 pandemic and IUSSP activities As the world is struggling to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope that all IUSSP members around the world are doing what is required in their respective settings to reduce the health impact of the virus. The IUSSP Secretariat staff (based in France) is working from home. We are also planning to start posting information from members on our website about data sources on the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Urban Family Planning Project 2nd cohort of UFP fellows Congratulations to the second cohort of twelve fellows who were recently selected to carry out research on Family Planning, Fertility and Urban Development as part of an IUSSP project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
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Seminars and conferences International Migration activities The IUSSP Panel on International Migration participated in the 2nd International Forum on Migration Statistics held 19-21 January in Cairo, with Guy Abel's training session on "Migration Estimation with R” and a roundtable on "Priorities in International Migration Research and Statistics: Prospects for a World Migration Survey."
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New and Emerging Family Forms The IUSSP Panel on New and Emerging Family Forms around the Globe conducted its 2nd International Seminar on 20-21 January 2020 at the University of the Philippines Diliman with the U.P. Population Institute (UPPI) hosting.
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Population-Environment activities PERN Cyberseminar The Population-Environment Research Network (PERN) will organize a cyberseminar on Population, Climate Change and Food Security from 18 to 25 May 2020. Despite the central role demography plays in climate change and food security research, the topics remain understudied among demographers.
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Population and Environment editorial board nominations Population and Environment, the leading scientific journal in the fields of population and environmental studies, and Springer invite nominations for the 2020– 2024 editorial board of the journal. The deadline for nominations is May 15, 2020.
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News from the members Members’ new publications - Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issue, 13th edition, by John R. Weeks.
- Population, Fertility and Family Planning: Contraceptive Method Mix in Asian Countries, by Aditi Kundu and Bhaswati Das.
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New IUSSP members Nine new members and 52 new student associates joined the IUSSP between 1 December 2019 and 1 March 2020. (See list)
In Memory
Roland Pressat (1923-2020). 
Longtime IUSSP member Roland Pressat passed away on January 3rd, just before his 97th year. He played a critical role in the development of the teaching of demography in France and naturally participated in several IUSSP committees on the teaching of demography as well as in the Working Group on the Multilingual Demographic Dictionary.
Regional population associations 8th APC poster winners The Union for African Population Studies is delighted to announce the poster winners from the 8th African Population Conference.
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2020 European Population Conference The 2020 European Population Conference has been cancelled. The EAPS Council is currently exploring options to organize a small scale conference targeted at early career scholars (PhD and Postdocs) in the Spring of 2021.
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2020 PAA Annual Meeting The 2020 Annual Meeting has been cancelled. PAA is working on creating opportunities for asynchronous and synchronous exchanges.
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XXI International AIDELF Conference The XXI International AIDELF Conference has been postponed to Spring 2021. It will still be held in Athens (Greece) on the theme: "Demography and crises".
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5th Asian Population Conference The Asian Population Association has decided to postpone the 5th Asian Population Association Conference in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, to later dates in 2021. For more details on the conference, please visit the APA website.
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2020 ALAP Conference in Valparaiso, Chile The Latin American Population Association (ALAP) still hopes the next Conference will take place as planned in Valparaiso, Chile, 3-6 November 2020 on the theme “Population studies and the challenge of equality in Latin America and the Caribbean”. See the Conference website.
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Other announcements Call for Thematic Series – GENUS, Journal of Population Sciences
GENUS welcomes proposals for Thematic Series on a suitable demographic theme. This is an invitation to scholars who are interested in editing a Thematic Series. Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 May 2020.
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Recent articles - Transnational families living between Africa and Europe, Valentina Mazzucato, Djamila Schans, Kim Caarls, Cris Beauchemin
- Why has migrant fertility in Norway declined? Marianne Tønnessen
- Same-sex marriages in Sweden: 20 years of change, Martin Kolk, Gunnar Andersson
- Strong family ties moderate the negative effect of family size on children's education, in Wisconsin (USA), Ea Hoppe Blaabæk, Joseph Molitoris
- Dual earners' parental employment strategies in Belgium, Jonas Wood, Leen Marynissen
- Breaking down the increase in non-marital births in Finland, Christine Schnor, Marika Jalovaara
- Migrant mortality advantage and the selection hypothesis, Matthew Wallace, Ben Wilson
- Legalizing same-sex marriages improves subjective well-being (in England and Wales), Diederik Boertien, Daniele Vignoli
- Missing twins and twin-singleton mortality convergence in Sub-Saharan Africa, Roland Pongou, David Shapiro, Michel Tenikue
- Do birds of a feather really flock together? Hill Kulu, Tina Hannemann
- Explaining disability trends in the United States, 1963-2015, Jona Schellekens
- Impact of obesity on life expectancy levels and trends in Europe, Fanny Janssen, Nikoletta Vidra, Sergi Trias-Llimos
- Demography and development in the maze of Indian districts, Sanjay K. Mohanty, Udaya S. Mishra, Rajesh K. Chauhan, Sayantani Chatterjee
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Calls IUSSP Calls for papers - International Seminar on Unintended pregnancy and key outcomes - abortion and unplanned births: Improvements in Measurement and New Evidence. New Delhi, India, 27-29 October 2020 - Deadline for submission of abstracts: extended to 8 April 2020
- International Seminar on Demographic Processes and Socioeconomic Reproduction in the Long Run. Paris, France, 27-28 August 2020 - Deadline for submission of abstracts: extended to 15 April 2020
- International Seminar on Family Behaviour in East Asia and Southern Europe: Beijing, China, 23-24 October 2020, Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 May 2020
Other calls for papers - EAPS Health, Morbidity and Mortality Working Group. Évora, Portugal, 21-23 September 2020. Deadline for submissions: 3 April 2020
- Rostock Retreat on uncertainty visualization: 20-22 July 2020, Rostock, Germany. Deadline for submissions: 10 April 2020
- International seminar on “Global Longevity: Advances and Challenges”: HSE, St. Petersburg, Russia, 16-18 September 2020. Deadline for submissions: 15 April 2020
- BSPS Annual Conference 2020, 14 -16 September, University of Leicester, United Kingdom. Deadline for submissions. 20 April 2020
- 2020 Annual Lecture and Conference. University of Lagos, Nigeria: ‘Nigeria’s data challenge’, Lagos, Nigeria. Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2020
- Call for Thematic Series – GENUS, Journal of Population Sciences. Deadline for submissions: 15 May 2020
- Vienna Yearbook of Population Research (VYPR) 2021 Special Issue on “Demographic Aspects of Human Wellbeing” Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2020
- International Conference on Family Planning 2021. Deadline for submissions: 2 June 2020
- London Environment x Women's Health Workshop, 4 September 2020, London School of Economics & Political Science, (LSE), United Kingdom - Deadline for submissions: 15 July 2020
Job opportunities Jobs/Fellowships - RILSA. Prague. Research and development staff member – family and population ageing issues - Deadline for Applications: 01 May 2020
- Open Positions at MPIDR: 3-year predoctoral positions - Deadline for Applications: 10 May 2020
- National University of Singapore. Research Assistant for the Research Project on Lifelong Education for Aging Productively (LEAP) - Deadline for Applications: 31 Aug 2020
- National University of Singapore. Research Associate for the Research Project on Lifelong Education for Aging Productively (LEAP) - Deadline for Applications: 31 Aug 2020
- National University of Singapore. Research Associate for the Research Project on Childless Aging in Singapore and Thailand (CAST) - Deadline for Applications: 31 Aug 2020
Doctoral / Post-Doctoral Positions
- Research fellowship for a PhD in demography (CURAPP – INED, with Hong Kong HKUST) - Deadline for applications: 31 March 2020
- Open position for two postdoctoral researchers (R201/2020) ERC Consolidator Grant project HEALIN Center for Demographic Studies (Barcelona) - Deadline for applications: 15 April 2020
- Post-doctoral position at the University of Queensland -Deadline for applications: 16 April 2020
- Post‐doctoral fellowship Twin boom Project. Ined, Paris, France - Deadline for applications: 1 May 2020
- Open Positions at MPIDR: Postdocs / Research Scientists - Deadline for applications: 3 May 2020
- 3 doctoral students, Ined, France - Deadline for applications: 29 May 2020
- Post-Doctoral position at the National University of Singapore for a Research Project on the Southeast Asian Family Dynamic Study - Deadline for applications: 30 June 2020
- National University of Singapore. Postdoctoral Fellow for the research project on Southeast Asian Family Dynamic Study -Deadline for applications: 31 August 2020
Training Courses or Workshops
- European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD). Applications for school year 2020-2021 - deadline for applications: 15 Apr 2020
- National University of Singapore, CFPR's Upcoming Research Methods Training Program (May-July 2020) - deadline for applications start : 17 Apr 2020
- London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). 50th cohort of students MSc Demography and Health - deadline for applications: 31 Dec 2020
Calendar Forthcoming IUSSP meetings & other events - IUSSP Seminar on African demography in historical perspective, Nairobi, Kenya, 2-3 Apr 2020 (Postponed)
- 2020 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), Washington D.C., USA, 22-25 Apr 2020 (Cancelled)
- Research and programs on Couples and Reproductive Health - Preconference session at PAA2020, Washington D.C., United States, 22 Apr 2020 (Online Zoom Meeting)
- International Seminar on Family Demography and Family Law around the World, Montreal, Canada, 27-29 Apr 2020 (Postponed)
- XXIe colloque international de l'AIDELF, Athens, Greece, 26-29 May 2020 (Postponed)
- 2nd IUSSP Population, Poverty and Inequality Research Conference, Paris, France, 22-24 Jun 2020 (Postponed)
- 2020 European Population Conference, Padova, Italy, 24-27 Jun 2020 (Cancelled)
- 4th ISA Forum of Sociology, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 14-18 Jul 2020
- IUSSP Seminar on Demographic Processes and Socioeconomic Reproduction in the Long Run, Paris, France, 27-28 Aug 2020
- London Environment x Women's Health Workshop, , London School of Economics & Political Science, (LSE), United Kingdom , 4 September 2020
- EAPS Health Morbidity and Mortality Workshop, Evora, Portugal, 21-23 Sep 2020
- International Seminar on Family Behaviour in East Asia and Southern Europe, Beijing, China, 23-24 Oct 2020
- IUSSP Seminar on Unintended pregnancy and key outcomes—abortion and unplanned births, New Delhi, India, 27-29 Oct 2020
- 2020 ALAP International Conference, Valparaiso, Chile, 3-6 Nov 2020
- 5th Asian Population Association Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 24-27 Nov 2020 (Postponed)
- Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2020 on the Demographic Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Consequences, Vienna, Austria 30 Nov 2020 - 1 Dec 2020
- Sixth International Conference on Family Planning, Thailand, 1-4 Feb 2021
- 2021 International Population Conference (IPC2021), Hyderabad, India, 5-10 Dec 2021
Submit your announcements Feel free to share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field. IUSSP members are welcome to submit information on conferences, job openings, post-doctoral positions, and research grants for inclusion in the newsletter and IUSSP website. Please send the information to and remember to include important dates for application deadlines (and photos when appropriate). Information should be sent by email or in a Word document so that it can be edited. For inclusion in the next Bulletin, please send information by 1 June 2020. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
IUSSP Bulletin / Bulletin de l’UIESP Publication Director: Mary Ellen Zuppan, IUSSP Executive Director ISSN: 2427–0059 |