In this issue: 3-Panel Conference in Madeira ● Population, Ethics & Human Rights Fellowship ● Urban FP Panel at the Africities Summit 2022 ● Debate on Gender Equity, Vasectomies and Tubal Sterilizations ● 2022 IUSSP Laureate - Peter McDonald ● Call for 2023 IUSSP Laureate and eligibility extension ● News from the members ● Regional population associations ● Other announcements ● N-IUSSP ● Calls for papers ● Job opportunities ● Calendar
3-Panel conference in Madeira
The IUSSP is organizing a 3-Panel mini-conference on family planning, contraceptive transitions and unwanted pregnancy in Madeira (Portugal) from 12 to 15 July. The conference will bring together some 80 scholars, policy experts, and donors from around the globe to present and discuss the latest research on key topics related to family planning. (Read more)
IUSSP Panel activities Population, ethics & human rights fellowship The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Population Perspectives and Demographic Methods to Strengthen Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems is pleased to announce a Population, Ethics, and Human Rights fellows programme. Deadline for applications: 31 August 2022. (Read more)
Urban FP Panel at the Africities Summit 2022 The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Family Planning, Fertility and Urban Development organized two sessions at the 9th Africities Summit, Kisumu, Kenya 17-21 May 2022, to raise awareness of FP and reproductive health issues among African urban policymakers and practitioners.
(Read more)
IUSSP Webinar Series Debate on gender equity, vasectomies and tubal sterilizations The IUSSP Panel on Couples' Reproductive Health and Fertility organized a lively debate on 8 June: "In a gender equitable world, with equity of sexual and reproductive rights for men and women, we would expect that there would be about the same number or more vasectomies as tubal sterilizations among couples wanting to stop childbearing. Yes or no?"
Watch the recorded webinar and read the written Q&A.
IUSSP Awards 2022 IUSSP Laureate - Peter McDonald 
Peter McDonald, Emeritus Professor of Demography at the Australian National University, Honorary Professor at the University of Melbourne and former IUSSP President, was elected IUSSP's 32nd Laureate. The ceremony will be held online on Thursday 30 June. Register in advance!
Call for 2023 IUSSP Laureate and eligibility extension The IUSSP Council decided to further expand the eligibility criteria for 2023 Laureate nominations to make them (even) more inclusive. Nominees no longer have to be IUSSP members. The deadline to submit nominations for the 2023 Laureate Award is 1 November 2022. (Read more... and consider nominating a colleague)
News from the members Members' new publications - Research Handbook on International Migration and Digital Technology, edited by Marie McAuliffe
- International Handbook of Population Policies, edited by John F. May and Jack A. Goldstone
- The Oxford Handbook of Atrocity Crimes, edited by Barbora Holá, Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira, and Maartje Weerdesteijn
- Biodemography: An Introduction to Concepts and Methods, edited by James Carey and Deborah Roach, with a foreword by James Vaupel
- Diffusion des taxis-motos dans l’aire métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince : paradoxe et controverse, by Carline Joseph Duval
(Read Summaries)
Jean-François Kobiané President of UJKZ Former IUSSP Council member Jean-François Kobiané has been appointed President of the Université Joseph KI-ZERBO (UJKZ) of Ouagadougou. The handover ceremony took place on June 16.(Read more)
New editor of IMR: Holly Reed The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Holly E. Reed, PhD as editor of the International Migration Review (IMR), the premier social science journal in the field of international migration, ethnic group relations, and refugee movements.(Read more)
In memoriam • James W. Vaupel (1945-2022)
Jim Vaupel was a leading figure in demographic research on mortality and longevity. He was an innovator, charismatic leader and a man of conviction as well as a captivating teacher and passionate researcher always full of new ideas he was eager to share. He conveyed his love of demography to generations of students and young researchers from all disciplines, with a particular fondness for formal demography, which he called the champagne of demography. • Ian Pool (1936-2022)
We were saddened to learn of the death of Ian Pool. He was an active IUSSP member who joined in 1965 and served on the IUSSP Committee on Age Structure and Public Policy (1999-2003), serving as co-editor of Population, Resources and Development. Riding the Age Waves - Volume 1 (Springer 2005), which was one of 3 volumes produced by the Committee.
(Read more)
New IUSSP members Five new members and 17 new Student Associates joined the IUSSP between 1 March and 31 May 2022. Please encourage your colleagues and students to become members. (See list)
Regional population associations Hybrid EPC 2022, in Groningen & online The European Population Conference 2022 will convene in Groningen, The Netherlands from 29 June to 2 July 2022. EPC 2022 will include 80 hybrid sessions, a fully virtual poster session, a Poster Café, an exhibition and a program of side meetings. The Keynote address will be given by Prof. Pearl Dykstra, Erasmus University Rotterdam, on “Bridging Science and Policy: Challenges for Population Scholars”. The IUSSP Panel on Digital Demography will hold a workshop on "Using bibliometric data in demographic research" (on site and online). Congratulations to EAPS’s newly elected Council members: Hill Kulu (President), Emilio Zagheni (VP), Anna Matysiak (Secretary-General and Treasurer), Giancarlo Camarda and Raya Muttarak.
(EPC 2022 website)
ALAP at the 4th regional CPD in LAC The Latin American Population Association (ALAP) will participate in the Fourth session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago, 28-30 June 2022, organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). On 28 June, the side event ALAP-UNFPA “Leaving no one behind: a balance of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development” will be broadcast on ALAP's YouTube channel at 15:00 UTC (11 am Santiago de Chile). The recording will be available at the same link. Working language: Spanish.
(Read more)
Other announcements Population is now an open science journal
NEW: Available in both English and French, the entire content of the journal Population is now freely accessible online from the day of issue! Thanks to the support of the 'Subscribe to Open' programme, Population will continue to meet the high scientific standards that have forged its reputation: double-blind external peer review, English-French translation of all papers at INED’s expense, editing by professional editors.
(Read more)
Mari Bhat Memorial Lecture
International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) organized the 14th Prof. P.N. Mari Bhat Memorial Lecture on 29 March 2022. Economist Prof. Ashwini Deshpande of Ashoka University, India, delivered the lecture on the topic "Nakusha: Son preference, unwanted girls and gender gaps in education."
(Read more)
Sustainable Development Report 2022
The Sustainable Development Report 2022 marks the seventh edition of the annual assessment of progress of all UN Member States towards the Sustainable Development Goals. This year's report discusses the critical need and channels of development finance for low-income and lower-middle income countries.
(Read the report / Read the executive summary)
Population Early-Career Researcher Prize
Population is a quarterly scientific journal published in English (Population-E) and in French (Population-F) by the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED). The Population Early-Career Author Prize is open to PhD students and early-career researchers working in the field of population studies and will be awarded to the most outstanding original paper submitted to the competition jury. Deadline for submission: 4 November 2022.
(Read more)
Master en Démographie en français
Le Centre de recherche en démographie (UCLouvain) ouvre les inscriptions pour le Master en Sciences de la population et du développement–finalité démographie. Ce Master vous offre une formation aux méthodes démographiques quantitatives et qualitatives vous permettant d'analyser les questions démographiques et de développement dans le Nord et le Sud de la planète. L’échéance pour l’inscription des étudiants européens est le 30 août.
(Conditions d’accès et procédures d’admission et d’inscription)
N-IUSSP Recent articles
- Educational consequences of parental divorce and death in Europe. Carlijn Bussemakers, Gerbert Kraaykam, Jochem Tolsma
- Access to antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS and life expectancy in South Africa. Tran T. Doan, Woosub Shin, Neil K. Mehta
- Cognition-driven demographic transition. Wolfgang Lutz
- Educational expansion and completed family size in low fertility countries. Ester Lazzari, Ryohei Mogi, Vladimir Canudas-Romo
- Increasing childlessness driven by higher female education in India. Koyel Sarkar, Thomas Baudin
- The impact of migration on the working age population at local level. Daniela Ghio, Anne Goujon, Natale Fabrizio
- Mobile phones protect women from intimate partner violence (in low- and middle-income countries). Luca Maria Pesando
- Intergenerational transmission of women’s life courses in Germany. Sergi Vidal, Philipp M. Lersch, Marita Jacob, Karsten Hank
- Unpacking the mortality-fertility link in Malawi: the role of unintended fertility. Emily Smith-Greenaway, Sara Yeatman, Abdallah Chilungo
- The contribution of the foreign-born population to demographic change in Europe. Christos Bagavos
- Can stunted children recover after the first 1,000 days? Eric Schneider
- Ukrainian refugees and migrants in the EU. Corrado Bonifazi, Salvatore Strozza
- International migration from Africa to France and contraception use. Julia Behrman
(Read articles)
Calls Calls for papers - New article collection on "Challenges and Advances in Long-term Forecasting in the Health Sciences" in Frontiers in Digital Health. Deadline for abstract submission: 25 June 2022
- PopFest 2022, the 28th Annual Population Postgraduate Conference, 26-28 October 2022, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Deadline for submissions: 1 July 2022
- Population and Development Review Call For Abstracts - Special Issue on Population Challenges in the 21st Century. Deadline for submissions: 1 July 2022
- VI Portuguese Demography Conference on the theme of demographic (in)sustainability, Lisbon, Portugal, 13-14 October 2022. Deadline for submissions: Extended to 3 July 2022
- Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2022 on “Population and Climate Change: The Defining Relationship of the 21st Century”, Vienna, Austria, 30 November-2 December 2022. Deadline for submission: Extended to 10 July 2022
- Special issue on Unmet Need for Contraception and Unintended Pregnancy, China Population and Development Studies. Deadline for submissions: 15 July 2022
- IUSSP Seminar on Migration in the past: patterns, causes, consequences, and implications, Online, 28 October 2022. Deadline for submissions: 17 July 2022
- Special Issue “Population, Food and the Environment” in Population and Environment. Deadline for submissions: 31 July 2022
- Special issue in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry on "Positive or Negative? The Effect of Emerging Technologies and Products on Mental Health". Deadline for submissions: 12 August 2022
- EAPS Working Group on Register-Based Fertility Research, Rostock, Germany, 15-16 December 2022. Deadline for abstract submissions: 21 August 2022
- Special Issue of the Journal of Family Theory & Review on Theorizing Singlehood. Deadline for submissions: 1 September 2022
Job opportunities Jobs/Fellowships - Scientific Director. Vienna Institute of Demography. Deadline for applications: 1 July 2022
- IUSSP Population, Ethics, and Human Rights Fellowship. Deadline for applications: 31 August 2022
Doctoral / Post-Doctoral Positions - PhD position in in Economic Demography, Vienna Institute of Demography - Deadline for applications: 24 June 2022
- Post-doc in the field of Fertility and Demography, Vienna Institute of Demography - Deadline for applications: 30 June 2022
- Doctoral student in Economic History – Family differences in Health and Mortality - Deadline for applications: 4 July 2022
Calendar Forthcoming IUSSP meetings & other events - IUSSP Workshop on Using bibliometric data in demographic research, Hybrid (on site in Groningen and online), 29 June 2022
- European Population Conference (EPC 2022), Groningen, Netherlands and online, 29 June to 2 July 2022
- 2022 IUSSP Laureate Ceremony for Peter McDonald, Online, 30 June 2022
- IUSSP Seminar on Unintended Pregnancy and Key Outcomes - Abortion and Unplanned Births, Funchal, Madeira, 12-15 July 2022
- IUSSP 3-Panel mini-Conference, Funchal, Madeira, 12-15 July 2022
- International Conference on Population Geographies, online, 25-27 August 2022
- VI Portuguese Demography Conference, on the theme of demographic (in)sustainability. Lisbon, Portugal, 13-14 October 2022
- IUSSP Seminar on Migration in the past: patterns, causes, consequences, and implications, Online, 28 October 2022
- 6th International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP 2022). Pattaya City, Thailand, 14 to 17 November 2022
- ALAP 2022 - X Congress of the Latin American Population Association, Valparaíso, Chile, 6-9 December 2022
Submit your announcements Feel free to share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field. IUSSP members are welcome to submit information on conferences, job openings, post-doctoral positions, and research grants for inclusion in the newsletter and IUSSP website. Please send the information to and remember to include important dates for application deadlines (and photos when appropriate). Information should be sent by email or in a Word document so that it can be edited. For inclusion in the next Bulletin, please send information by 1 September 2022. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
IUSSP Bulletin / Bulletin de l’UIESP Publication Director: Mary Ellen Zuppan, IUSSP Executive Director ISSN: 2427–0059 |