Emigrants from India: Brain Drain to Brain Circulation
India's migration histories which is centuries old is diverse and complex . Approximately 20 million Indian migrant workers live world wide. In 1970s US was most preferred destination for skilled Indians who could not get satisfactory job in India. This was termed as brain drain. This raised concern of losing educated work force. Highly skilled Indians emigrated for better employment opportunities. Bright young Indians emigrated for education .Semi/ unskilled workers flew to South East Asia and Gulf countries where Indian Diaspora resides. Remittances from them have grown considerably as India being world's leading remittance receiving country. Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad serve as corridors for international mobility of Indian professionals. Many immigrants are now returning home to take advantage of new economic opportunities, reconnect their families or if pushed out due to racial problems, negative attitudes towards migrants and increasing unemployment problems. They function as bridges between their new home and country of origin by facilitating transfer of technology, capital and expertise. They bring skills, work experience, and global connections and prefer to settle in areas where better living conditions are available. This brain circulation can be beneficial to both developing and developed countries.
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