Characteristics of Migrations in Central Asia as a Part of the Global Migratory System
The paper is devoted to timely questions concerning to contemporary situation on new trends, threats and perspectives of Migrations in the Central Asian region, their problems and ways of solution. As a part of the Global Migration system, Migrations from through and in Region are significant for the development of the World, because have influences on all spheres of life, stability, national and regional security, as well as, to growing integration of Central Asia to the World society.
During the last 20 years the Central Asian states were faced to different external and internal, voluntary and forced migratory waves, which have both objective and negative moments there.
Contemporary Kazakhstan, as well Central Asia is actively involved in the World economic, political, labor relations and this likely enhance the problem of migration on its territory. The economic integration on the post-Soviet space, geopolitical factors of great powers neighbors – China and Russia, closeness to the conflict zones (Afghanistan and Pakistan) – all this could be a challenge to Kazakhstan, as well as to whole Region’s status-quo. It is very important to understand the problems concerning migrations in occurring from East to West.
During the last 20 years the Central Asian states were faced to different external and internal, voluntary and forced migratory waves, which have both objective and negative moments there.
Contemporary Kazakhstan, as well Central Asia is actively involved in the World economic, political, labor relations and this likely enhance the problem of migration on its territory. The economic integration on the post-Soviet space, geopolitical factors of great powers neighbors – China and Russia, closeness to the conflict zones (Afghanistan and Pakistan) – all this could be a challenge to Kazakhstan, as well as to whole Region’s status-quo. It is very important to understand the problems concerning migrations in occurring from East to West.
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52 373
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Regular session only
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1 000
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