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IUSSP Bulletin ● Issue 46, Dec 2019 |
In this issue: IUSSP moving to Campus Condorcet ● Gordon De Jong - 2020 Laureate ● Early Career Taskforce ● IUSSP at the African Population Conference ● IUSSP-UNFPA Expert Meeting on Population Data for the 21st century ● Small-area estimation training materials ● New Panel on Contraceptive Transition Theories ● Data Revolution ● International Migration ● Urban Family Planning ● Recent publication ● News from the members ● Regional population associations ● Other announcements ● N-IUSSP ● Calls for papers ● Training opportunities ● Job opportunities ● Calendar IUSSP moving to Campus Condorcet The IUSSP Secretariat is moving 19 December 2019. The Secretariat is migrating with the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) to new headquarters at the Campus Condorcet in the nearby northern suburb of Aubervilliers. The Secretariat will be closed from 20 December and will reopen in its new headquarters on January 2nd. Gordon De Jong - 2020 Laureate The IUSSP Council has selected Gordon De Jong to be its 30th Laureate in recognition of his groundbreaking work on migration, including migration theory and his service to the training of demographers from all over the world in a career spanning nearly half a century. The Council has set up an Early Career Taskforce to boost the inputs of young, early career population experts in the activities of the Union. We look forward to new ideas from this diverse group young scholars to actively engage new generations of population experts in the work of IUSSP. IUSSP at the African Population Conference The IUSSP participated in the 8th African Population Conference in Entebbe, Uganda, 18-22 November 2019, organizing sessions on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics, Urban FP, International Migration and couples' approach to RH, and supporting over 15 participants. Data Revolution Activities Population Data for the 21st century The IUSSP organized an Expert Group Meeting on Population Data for the 21st century: Advances in data collection methodologies at UNFPA headquarters in New York from 4 to 6 December 2019. This international meeting brought together 50 researchers working on innovative data collection methodologies. The meeting was live-streamed. (Watch the video-recorded meeting and access presentations and background documents) Small-area estimation training materials IUSSP’s Data Revolution Committee has made available videos of lectures as well as support materials on subnational estimates of child mortality using complex survey data, prepared by Jon Wakefield, Richard Li and Samuel Clark. (Access the videos of lectures and support materials to use for training) Beijing, China. 19th-20th September 2019. IUSSP was represented by Tom Emery (NIDI) at the 2019 CODATA Conference: Towards Next Generation Data-Driven Science: Policies, Practices and Platforms, which to a large extent was dominated by the implementation of FAIR standards (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) across various disciplines and the degree to which these standards could genuinely support interdisciplinary research. Emerging issues in CRVS and ID The IUSSP Panel on Population Perspectives and Demographic Methods to Strengthen CRVS Systems organized a session on “Emerging issues in CRVS and ID” at the 2019 African Population Conference in Entebbe. The session examined emerging issues arising from the growth of national identification schemes. DEMOSTAF [Demography Statistics for Africa] organized an International Conference on “Demographic Challenges in Africa: The Contributions of Census and Civil Registration Data” in Paris, France 16-18 October 2019. The conference aimed to highlight current research into sociodemographic dynamics in Africa by drawing on data from official statistics. IUSSP sessions at DEMOSTAF Conference The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Population Perspectives and Demographic Methods to Strengthen CRVS Systems organized two sessions focusing on the determinants of under-registration of vital events, and progress made in improving coverage in Africa, at DEMOSTAF's international conference held in Paris on 16-18 October 2019. The Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) held the 5th GGP User Conference at the Paris School of Economics on 24-25 October 2019. This biannual international conference brings together researchers working with data from the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS). Three keynote sessions and 23 papers were presented and 109 participants from 20 countries attended the conference. Data Visualization in R workshop Prior to the GGP User Conference, in collaboration with INED and the IUSSP, the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) held a two-day workshop focused on visualizations of demographic data, led by Ilya Kashnitsky (University of Southern Denmark). The workshop brought together 20 participants, mostly early-career researchers, who had the opportunity to explore how to use R and R packages designed for data science. New computational methods and data sources for migration The IUSSP Panel on Digital demography organized a pre-conference workshop on “New computational methods and data sources for migration research in the digital era” at the 11th Social Informatics Conference (SocInfo 2019) in Doha, Qatar, on 18 November 2019. The workshop included three sessions, devoted to internal migration, international migration, and new data sources, respectively. IUSSP Scientific Activities International Migration activities Activities of the IUSSP Panel on International Migration included a training session on methods in migration analysis at Shanghai University and sessions at the 2nd Asia Population Forum and the African Population Conference. The proposal for a World Migration Survey will be shared at several upcoming conferences including the 2nd International Forum on Migration Statistics in Cairo, 19-21 January 2020, and the PAA 2020 in Washington, DC on 21 April. Contraceptive Transition Theories Panel With support from the BMGF, the IUSSP Council established a new Panel on Contraceptive Transition Theories, chaired by John Casterline. Its objective is to develop an overarching theory of contraceptive use at the population level. This will be a conceptual framework of how modern contraceptive use transitions from low to high rates in contemporary Asian, African, and Latin American populations. A subset of its members met at the African Population Conference to start planning activities for 2020 and 2021 Family Change in East Asia and Southern Europe The IUSSP Panel on Family Behaviour in East Asia and Southern Europe organized a workshop at Harvard University, on 25-26 October 2019, featuring five presentations by experts on the demography of Italy, Spain, Japan, Korea, and China. The overarching goal of this scientific panel is to develop and empirically evaluate a broad, comprehensive set of questions focused on demographic similarities (and differences) between and within East Asia and Southern Europe. Gridded Population and Settlement Products In collaboration with the POPGRID Data Collaborative, the Population-Environment Research Network (PERN) held a cyberseminar on the topic of the Application of Gridded Population and Settlement Products in Geospatial Population-Environment Research. Seven invited experts provided background papers on the fitness-for-use of various gridded population and settlement products for different application areas in population-environment studies. The topic was introduced by a webinar held on 14 October 2019. Urban Family Planning Project Sessions at the 16th ICUH in Xiamen This conference provided an excellent opportunity for the Urban FP fellows to present preliminary research results to an audience of Urban Health professionals. 2nd round fellowship candidate workshop The 2nd round fellowship candidate workshop was held just before the 8th African Population Conference, Entebbe, Uganda, 15-17 November 2019. Urban FP Session at the UAPS Conference The IUSSP Urban FP Panel organized a session on Urban Family Planning at the African Population Conference, Entebbe, Uganda, 18-22 November 2019. Recent publications An article based on expert contributions to the PERN cyberseminar "People and Pixels Revisited: 20 years of progress and new tools for population-environment research", 20-27 February 2018, has just been published:
News from the members
Eighteen new members and 50 new student associates joined the IUSSP between 1 September and 1 December 2019. (See list) Antonella Pinnelli (1941-2019). Antonella Pinnelli passed away on November 9th, in Rome. She had retired in 2010, after many decades as Professor of Social Demography and Population Policies at the University of Rome. A pioneer of gender studies in demography, she had been a member of the IUSSP Panel on Gender and Population, and her research shed light on the important role of women in driving population change. Regional population associations 8th African Population Conference in EntebbeThe 8th African Population Conference, organized by the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS), took place in Entebbe, Uganda, 18-22 November 2019. UAPS members also elected their new Council and Officers. (Read more about the conference and election results) 2020 European Population Conference With a record number of submissions to the call for papers (now closed), EPC 2020 in Padova, Italy 24-27 June 2020 is building up as a “must go to” conference. The organizers expect some 120 simultaneous sessions, 3 major poster sessions, 3 flash sessions, a host of side meetings, an exhibition, and an opening keynote on social justice and health equity by epidemiologist Sir Michael Marmot. Registrations will open in January 2020 at The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America will take place at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC, 22-25 April 2020. 2 IUSSP Panels will be organizing preconference meetings. (Read more on PAA 2020 registration & hotel info) 5th Asian Population Conference The 5th Asian Population Association Conference will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 24-27 November 2020. For more details on the conference, please visit the APA website. Submit a paper before 31 January 2020. 2020 ALAP Conference in Valparaiso, Chile The next Latin American Population Association (ALAP) International Conference will take place in Valparaiso, Chile, 3-6 November 2020 ob the theme “Population studies and the challenge of equality in Latin America and the Caribbean”. Submit a short abstract by 6 March 2020 on the Conference website . Other announcements Sarah Burgard named director of PSC Professor Sarah Burgard will become director of the University of Michigan's Population Studies Center (PSC) for a five-year term beginning July 1, 2020. Sarah is a research professor in PSC and a professor in three different departments – Sociology, Epidemiology, and the Ford School of Public Policy. Sarah will take over from Jeff Morenoff, who is completing his 7-year term as PSC director on June 30. (Read more on the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social research website) The World Migration Report 2020 was launched on 27 November 2019. It presents key data and information on migration as well as analysis of complex and emerging migration issues. Topics covered include human mobility and environmental change, migrants’ contributions in an era of disinformation, children and unsafe migration, migration and health, among others. Several chapters and further materials are available in Spanish and French (updated regularly). 2020 European Demographer Award The Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, the Berlin Demography Forum and Population Europe, the network of Europe’s foremost demographic research institutes, invite nominations for the European Demographer Award. This prize will honor outstanding research in the field of population studies on demographic change in Europe. The research should be at the frontier of anthropological, biological, economic, historical, mathematical, political, sociological or statistical population studies, achieved by researchers in the early stage of their careers or those at a more advanced stage. Revista Latinoamericana de Población The Latin American Population Journal (RELAP), an open access publication of the Latin American Population Association (ALAP), is a bi-annual journal that seeks to disseminate demographic research carried out in Latin America and other regions of the world, as well as provide a space for debate on demographic issues, research agendas and the definition of population policies. The journal accepts papers in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Visit Relap’s Website for information on paper submission and access to the latest issue. IFORD recruiting Executive Director The Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD), Université de Yaoundé II, the regional demographic training and research institute based in Cameroon, seeks to recruit its next Executive Director. Applications must be sent by postal mail and email by 17 February 2020. (Read the call for applications. In French)
Job opportunities
Doctoral / Post-Doctoral Positions
Calendar Forthcoming IUSSP meetings & other events
Submit your announcements Feel free to share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field. IUSSP members are welcome to submit information on conferences, job openings, post-doctoral positions, and research grants for inclusion in the newsletter and IUSSP website. Please send the information to and remember to include important dates for application deadlines (and photos when appropriate). Information should be sent by email or in a Word document so that it can be edited. For inclusion in the next Bulletin, please send information by 1 March 2020. We look forward to hearing from you soon.IUSSP Bulletin / Bulletin de l’UIESP Publication Director: Mary Ellen Zuppan, IUSSP Executive Director ISSN: 2427–0059