Adolescent pregnancy and education trajectories in Malawi

Education is a vital component of the preparation for adulthood, and is closely linked to transitions into marriage and parenting. Childbearing among adolescent girls in sub-Saharan Africa remains high, while primary school completion is far from universal. This paper uses longitudinal data from five rounds of the Malawi Schooling and Adolescent Study to investigate how becoming pregnant while attending school influences medium-term educational outcomes of young women. Employing multiple strategies to overcome potential endogeneity between pregnancy and education, we estimate the effect of pregnancy on enrollment, grade attainment, literacy, and numeracy. Preliminary results show that pregnancy is commonly cited as a reason for not attending school, and that girls who miss one or more school terms due to pregnancy are less likely to re-enroll than their counterparts who drop out for other reasons. However, girls who leave school due to pregnancy do not appear to be a selective group of sexually active girls with respect either to ability and aspirations or to background characteristics. This suggests that enabling girls to postpone family formation at least until after the completion of schooling could significantly improve the education trajectories of those who otherwise would have had to interrupt or abandon their studies.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
55 708
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Socio-Economic Determinants of Adolescent Fertility in Eastern India

The marriage of girls at young ages in India leads to adolescent pregnancy and motherhood. Young women who become pregnant and have births experience a number of health, social, economic, and emotional problems. In addition to the relatively high level of pregnancy complications among young mothers because of physiological immaturity . Moreover, an early start to childbearing greatly reduces the educational and employment opportunities of women and is associated with higher levels of fertility. More than one-third of the women have begun childbearing before twenty years of age. Adolescent pregnancy and fertility is close associated with age at the time of marriage, level of education, place of residence, wealth quintile. The article is based on the analysis of some districts of West Bengal state which experience high adolescent pregnancy. It tries to explore socio-economic determinants of adolescent fertility and its impact on adolescent mothers. It is also evident that adolescent fertility is commonly seen in less developed districts of West Bengal state . It tries to explore socio-economic determinants of adolescent fertility and its impact on the on the health of adolescent mothers. The data base are NFHS and RCH. Methodology used for the analysis are regression analysis are regression analysis and cross tabulation.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
56 234
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
-Déterminants socio-économiques de la fécondité adolescente en Inde de l’est
Abstract (Translated)
-En Inde, le mariage précoce des filles se traduit par des grossesses et des maternités adolescentes. Les jeunes filles qui tombent enceintes et accouchent connaissent un certain nombre de problèmes sociaux, économiques, émotionnels et de santé. En outre, on observe un niveau relativement élevé de complications de grossesse chez les jeunes mères du fait de leur immaturité physiologique. Par ailleurs, les grossesses précoces réduisent considérablement les possibilités d'éducation et d'emploi des femmes, et vont de pair avec des niveaux de fécondité plus élevés. Plus d'un tiers des femmes ont commencé à procréer avant l'âge de vingt ans. Les grossesses adolescentes et la fécondité sont étroitement liées à l'âge au mariage, au niveau d'instruction, au lieu de résidence et quintile de richesse. Cet article se fonde sur l'analyse de certains districts de l'état du Bengale occidental qui connaît un taux élevé de grossesses adolescentes. Nous tentons d'explorer les déterminants socio-économiques de la fécondité adolescente et son impact sur les mères adolescentes. Il est par ailleurs évident que la fécondité adolescente est souvent observée dans les districts les moins développés du Bengale occidental. L'étude tente d'explorer les déterminants socio-économiques de la fécondité adolescente et son impact sur la santé des jeunes mères à partir de données tirées d'enquêtes NFHS et RCH et à l'aide de la méthode de l'analyse de régression et de la tabulation croisée.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session only
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Perceived Facilitators and Barriers to Interventions Aimed at Reducing Unintended Pregnancies among Adolescents in Low and Middle Income (Developing) Countries- A Systematic Review

Adolescent pregnancies are most often the result of sexual risk taking. Adolescent birth rates in low and middle income countries lag behind those of higher income countries. The review’s objective was to present the best available evidence on facilitators and barriers to programs targeting a reduction in pregnancies among adolescents in low and middle income countries. Qualitative studies focused on interventions to persons aged 10 to 19 years residing in low and middle income countries of the world and factors that could influence those interventions were considered.
The review identified 8 perceived barriers and 3 perceived facilitators from 11 synthesized findings. Some perceived barriers were inadequate adult/parental support, negative perceptions about contraception, sex as a resource, lack of open sexual discourse, subordination of females to males and non-friendly institutions. Perceived facilitators were supportive institutions, families and parents, and adolescents’ determination not to be pregnant early in life.
A friendly approach to care, societal support and open discourse on sexual issues could facilitate a reduction of unintended pregnancies. Further research of myths against contraception use, cultural norms encouraging female subordination among others could guide pregnancy prevention programs.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
52 992
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

The effect of high education on child weight in Italy

Previous estimates of the effect of mother’s education on low birthweight may be severely biased
from the presence of unobservable variables. This analysis is based on a bivariate probit model,
addressing the potential endogeneity of education attainment using the semester of mother’s birth
as an instrument for entry age at school. The model is applied to a dataset of more than 12,000
deliveries collected in an Italian region. The analysis confirms that standard probability models bias
the measure of education on birthweight. Our findings indicate that high education has positive
consequences on child health, implying that policy efforts to improve education should have also
benefits for welfare.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
51 643
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
-Impact d'un haut niveau d'instruction sur le poids de naissance des nouveaux-nés en Italie
Abstract (Translated)
-Les précédentes estimations du rôle du niveau d'instruction des mères sur le faible poids de naissance des nouveaux-nés pourraient être fortement biaisées du fait de l'existence de variables non observables. Cette analyse est fondée sur un modèle Biprobit, et évalue l'endogénéité potentielle du niveau d'instruction atteint, le semestre de naissance de la mère servant à déterminer l'âge d'entrée à l'école. Ce modèle est appliqué à un ensemble de données collecté dans une région d'Italie et correspondant à plus de 12 000 naissances. L'analyse confirme que les modèles de probabilité standard biaisent la mesure de l'impact du niveau d'instruction sur le poids de naissance. Nos résultats montrent qu'un niveau d'instruction élevé joue un rôle positif sur la santé infantile, et par conséquent, les politiques visant à améliorer l'éducation devraient également avoir des répercussions positives sur la santé.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Unintended pregnancies among adolescent girls living in poor urban slums: Evidence from the Transition to Adulthood (TTA) study in Nairobi, Kenya

The main objective of this paper is to examine the levels of and factors associated with unintended pregnancies among young girls in two informal settlements in Nairobi city, Korogocho and Viwandani. We use data from a 3-year prospective survey that collected information from adolescents living in the two slums between 2007 and 2010. The analytical sample includes 945 adolescents aged 15-24 who have ever had sex. Findings show that overall, about 64% of the adolescents have ever been pregnant in their lives (73% for those aged 20-24 vs. 50% for those aged 15-19). In addition, 39% of pregnancies were unintended, with 22% being mistimed and 17% unwanted. At the bivariate level, younger adolescents, those living in Korogocho, those who have never been married, and those from Luo tribe are more likely to report an unintended pregnancy. Multivariate analysis shows a significant association between a set of a factors including age at first sex, marital status, area of residence, ethnic group, relationship with first sexual partner and unintended pregnancy. These findings have policy implications for improving sexual and reproductive health outcomes among female adolescents living in such resource-poor settings.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
48 484
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Grossesses non désirées chez les adolescentes vivant dans les taudis urbains : exemple de transition vers l'âge adulte (TTA) à Nairobi, au Kenya
Abstract (Translated)
Cette étude a pour principal objectif d'examiner les niveaux et les facteurs associés aux grossesses non désirées chez les jeunes filles dans deux quartiers d'habitat informel de Nairobi, Korogocho et Viwandani. Nous avons utilisé des données issues d'une enquête prospective sur 3 ans collectées auprès d'adolescents vivant dans les deux taudis urbains entre 2007 et 2010. L'échantillon d'analyse comprend 945 adolescents âgés de 15 à 24 ans ayant déjà eu des rapports sexuels. Les résultats montrent que dans l'ensemble, environ 64 % des adolescentes ont déjà été enceintes au cours de leur vie (73 % des 20-24 ans contre 50 % des 15-19 ans). Il s'agit en outre de grossesses non prévues dans 39 % des cas, dont 22% de grossesses non planifiées, et 17% non désirées. Au niveau bivarié, les adolescentes les plus jeunes, celles vivant à Korogocho, qui n'ont jamais été mariées, et celles de la tribu Luo, sont les plus susceptibles de connaître une grossesse non désirée. L'analyse multivariée indique qu'il existe un lien significatif entre une série de facteurs tels que l'âge au premier rapport sexuel, le statut matrimonial, la zone de résidence, le groupe ethnique, la relation avec le premier partenaire sexuel, et les grossesses non désirées. Ces résultats ont une incidence sur les politiques visant à améliorer la santé sexuelle et reproductive des jeunes adolescentes vivant dans les quartiers défavorisés.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
Status in Programme

The Onset of Fertility Transition in Rural West Africa: Evidence from Niakhar Demographic Surveillance System, Senegal

In Sub Saharan Africa, fertility levels in rural areas remains high. In Senegal, the number of child per women 15-49 years was 5.0 in 2010, but the gap between urban and rural context is growing (3.9 vs. 6.0). We use data from the Niakhar Health and Demographic Surveillance System in rural Senegal, where a demographic follow-up is running from several decades (since 1963 for 8 villages and 1983 for 30 villages). Data allow to document trends in fertility and to understand the process of behavioral change in a population just engaged in the first stage of transition. Results show that fertility is declining specifically at young ages from the 1960s, age at marriage is rising, men become sexually active earlier and premarital births are more frequent in the younger generations. We will test common assumptions such as the impact of education, religion and economic factors on fertility behaviors. Preliminary results show that only age at marriage and urban experience (measured by a at least one-year stay in Dakar between age 15 to 19) are significant factors. Neither education nor religion can explain variations in fertility levels. Fertility level from women living in domestic-richest household is lower, while fertility level from women living in agricultural-richest household is higher.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
35 178
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
Status in Programme

Sexual Behaviours and Contraceptive use among Adolescents in Kintampo, Ghana

Introduction: unsafe sexual behaviour among adolescents has drawn attention from all spheres of life because it makes them susceptible to different sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies sometimes leading to abortion and other health related problems.
Objective: To analyze the sexual and reproductive health, particularly sexual activity and contraceptive use among adolescents in rural Ghana, to contribute to the limited data on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and provide recommendations.
Method: A cross sectional survey among adolescents aged 15 to 19 was conducted in Kintampo Ghana from October 2010 to May 2011. It used both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Results: 793 male (43.1%) and female (56.9%) adolescents participated in the study. Of all adolescents interviewed, 42% have been in a relationship. Of those, 95.2% have had sex; 90.4% (males) and (94%) females. Females had 1.3 times the odds of having sex compared to males. Consistent contraceptive use among adolescents was very poor (22.9%) as a result, 30.2% of adolescents have been pregnant with 34% of it ending in abortions and 42.5% live births.
Conclusion: Adolescent’s knowledge on pregnancy and contraception is limited. Unsafe sex is practiced among them.
Recommendation: A participatory intervention study for adolescents is needed
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Event ID
Paper presenter
54 479
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Does early age of menarche lead to an early age of coitarche? Reproductive health experience, behavior and pregnancy among adolescents in the Philippines

Contemporary research on the onset of puberty among boys and girls indicate earlier entry. Indicators like genital development, pubic hair growth, breast development and menstruation were studied to support such claim. Of particular importance among these reproductive health experience is age at menarche which signals the reproductive readiness of a girl. Early menarche has been found to have biomedical, emotional, and socio-cultural consequences - higher risk for cancer and heart disease and earlier experience of risky behaviors like cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, and sexual activity (Chodick et al., 2005). Using the 1993 National Demographic Survey (NDS), the 1998, 2003 and 2008 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) data, this paper examines the age at menarche experience of adolescents in the Philippines from 1993 to 2008 and determines the timing entry into the reproductive phase. It also establishes the association between early reproductive health experience (age at menarche) and reproductive behavior (age at coitarche or the age of sexual debut) which in turn will be related to early pregnancy. These three factors are studied across socio-demographic variables such as birth cohort, type of residence and religion. This study provides valuable information to comprehend teenage pregnancy in the country.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
49 757
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Des règles précoces conduisent-elles à une activité sexuelle précoce ? Santé reproductive, comportements et grossesses chez les adolescents aux Philippines
Abstract (Translated)
Les recherches actuelles sur la puberté chez les filles et les garçons montrent un démarrage plus précoce de celle-ci. Pour étayer cette hypothèse, des indicateurs tels que le développement génital, l'apparition de poils pubiens, le développement des seins et les menstruations ont notamment été étudiés. Parmi ces indicateurs de la santé reproductive, l'âge des premières règles est particulièrement important, parce qu'il signale la disponibilité reproductive des filles. Il apparaît que des règles précoces ont un impact biomédical, émotionnel et socio-culturel : un risque plus élevé de cancer et de maladies cardiaques, et une expérimentation précoce de comportements à risque tels que que le tabagisme, l'abus d'alcool, et l'activité sexuelle (Chodick et al., 2005). A partir des données de l'Enquête démographique de 1993 (NDS), et des Enquêtes démographiques et de santé de 1998, 2003 et 2008 (NDHS), nous étudions l'âge des premières règles chez des adolescentes aux Philippines de 1993 à 2008 et tentons de déterminer le moment de l'entrée en vie reproductive. Cette étude établit un lien entre une expérience précoce de la santé reproductive (âge de survenue des règles), et le comportement reproductif (âge au début de l'activité sexuelle), lui-même associé aux grossesses précoces. Ces trois facteurs sont étudiés en fonction de variables socio-démographiques telles que la cohorte de naissance, le type de résidence et la religion. Cette étude fournit des informations utiles pour une meilleure compréhension des grossesses adolescentes dans ce pays.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Factors Affecting Adolescent Fertility in India: A Case Study Of North-Eastern States

Adolescents, as a component of the main stream population, affect the socio-economic and demographic features of society. The transitional period between childhood and adulthood is known as adolescence wherein individuals move toward physical and psychological maturity and economic independence, and acquire their adult identity. The North-Eastern states, which comprise of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Meghalaya is characterized by sharp differences in terms of geographical terrains, dispersed pattern of settlements and social identity. Health is strongly influenced by social variables. To see whether the condition of women is vulnerable in these states, a study is being done to see the factors that affect the adolescent mothers. The main aim of the study is to analyze the differences in adolescent fertility with respect to socio-economic variables and also to study the programmes initiated for the better condition of adolescent mother in India. The analysis of the study deals with married women in order to investigate determinants of teenage motherhood among them.

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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 181
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Sexual exposure and awareness of emergency contraceptive pills

In India pre-marital sex although is taboo, interplay of multitude of factors exposes adolescent girls to pre-marital sex leading to unwanted pregnancy and further intricacies. Hence, this paper assesses the sexual exposure and awareness of ECP among the never married adolescent girls in India by taking National Family Health Survey 2005-06 (NFHS-3) data. Out of the total sample, 15,320 never married adolescent girls of the age group 15-19 years de jure residents are retained for this study. Levels are found out through percentage distribution; associations are assessed through cross tabulation and logistic regression is applied to find out the determinants. It is found that in India, about 0.6 percent of never married adolescent girls have already experienced sex, out of whom 22.4 percent were active during four weeks prior to the survey. Multi-variate result shows that with the increase in age, probability of having pre-marital sex also increases, whereas with the improvement in household wealth index, probability goes down. Further, pre-marital sexual exposure depends mainly on knowledge of ECP. Overall merely 4.9 percent of adolescent girls are aware of ECP. Age, education, religion and exposure to sexual intercourse exert significant effect on the knowledge of ECP.
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
50 671
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme