The impact of schooling on teenage fertility, age at marriage and contraception use: Evidence from compulsory education in Peru

This paper uses Peru DHS from 2008-2010 and birth cohorts (1970-1988) to estimate the effect of female education on teen fertility. It also estimates the role of education on two intermediate variables: age at marriage and current use of contraception. The analysis exploits an exogenous change in education produced by increased length of compulsory education in Peru from 6 to 11 years in 1994

The results show that a change in compulsory education is positively associated with formal schooling attained. The instrumental variable (IV) estimates show a statistically significant effect on reducing the probability of having a first birth between 18 and 19 years, which is post-compulsory education age, but not between 15 and 17 years. Results also indicate that better educated women are less likely to marry before 20 years of age and significantly more likely to use contraception. The IV estimates are larger than the (OLS) on the three outcomes studied suggesting the possibility of heterogeneous effects of the educational reform and measurement error on schooling. Results are relevant for policymakers aiming to reduce teenage fertility and increase educational attainment.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
51 804
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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Demographic and Behavioral Factors Associated With Adolescent Pregnancy in Cameroon

Cameroon has one of the upper adolescent fertility rates in West and Central Africa. According to data collected in 2004 as part of the DHS, 22, 7% of adolescents (15-19-year-old) were mother of at least one child. 5, 7 % t of these women had not yet terminated their pregnancy. Adolescents who had ever been pregnant did not differ significantly from those who had not by demographic characteristics. Multiple logistic regression analysis identified seven factors associated with pregnancy: having had four or more sexual partners; not having used contraceptives at first intercourse; ever use of less-effective contraceptive methods; having used illicit drugs during the last 30 days; living apart from one's parents; recently experiencing stress; and perceiving a lack of future prospects.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 815
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

High adolescent fertility: Implications for health and education of offspring and safe motherhood in rural Uganda

Between 1989 and 2009, we annually collected data on pregnancies, family planning use, education level and marital status in 10,008 female adolescents aged 11-19 years, and obtained their HIV status. School attendance increased during the study period, with higher school enrolment observed among girls with educated parents. Fertility rates rose from 9/1000 in 14 year olds to 200/1000 in 19 year olds. Adolescent Fertility Rate (AFR) decreased from 0.7 in 1990-94 to 0.5 in 2005-09 due to fertility decrease among adolescents with secondary education from 0.7 to 0.3 in the same period, and increase in secondary school attendance. Higher fertility was among the ever married, those with lower education, and the HIV positives with AFR of 0.9 compared to 0.6 of HIV negative adolescents. By the age of 20 years, 2% of adolescent girls were HIV infected. The ever married (AFR=2.2) had 8 times the fertility of the never married (AFR=0.25). Of the self-reported sexually active adolescents, 20.4% used family planning (56%-condoms, 42%-injections, and 2.4%-pills), and 14% had unfavourable pregnancy outcomes. Inter-sectoral interventions are urgently needed to empower adolescent girls in preventing pregnancy, HIV infection, and early school drop-out during their initial sexual encounters.
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Event ID
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50 119
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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Adolescent Pregnancy and Fertility: 09-06


Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest levels of teenage pregnancies in the world. In spite of that, there is paucity of empirical research on causes of teenage pregnancies in African countries. This paper investigates the determinants of teenage pregnancies based on a case study of Busia District in Kenya. The data are from a household survey conducted in 1998/1999. Empirical results indicate that girls’ education level has significant influence on the probability of teenage birth, with non-schooling adolescents and those with primary school level education being more vulnerable. Among the variables used as proxies for access to sex education, availability of church forums that educate adolescents about sex and family life issues reduce probability of teenage pregnancy. Age is positively related to teenage pregnancies, with older adolescents being more predisposed to pregnancies.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 263
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Grossesses adolescentes et fécondité : 09-06
Abstract (Translated)
L’Afrique subsaharienne possède un taux de grossesses adolescentes parmi les plus élevés du monde. Cependant, il existe peu d’études empiriques sur la cause de ces grossesses adolescentes dans les pays africains. Cette étude examine les déterminants des grossesses adolescentes à partir de l’étude de cas portant sur la région de Busia au Kenya. Les données sont tirées d’une enquête “Ménages” menée en 1998/1999. Les résultats empiriques indiquent que le niveau d’éducation des filles joue un rôle significatif sur la probabilité des grossesses adolescentes, les adolescentes non scolarisées ou n’ayant pas dépassé un niveau d’études primaire étant les plus vulnérables. Parmi les variables utilisées comme substituts d’accès à une éducation sexuelle, l’existence de forums religieux visant à informer les adolescents sur les questions sexuelles et familiales réduit les risques de grossesses adolescentes. L’âge est positivement associé aux grossesses adolescentes, les adolescentes plus âgées étant davantage susceptibles de se retrouver enceintes.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Health Consequences of Adolescent childbearing on Maternal and Child Health in India

Adolescent childbearing, which is usually defined as childbearing in the age group 15-19, is a matter of concern in India, as among all the maternal deaths during 2007-09, 9% occurred among women below age 20. The data for present study has been drawn from National Family Health Survey-3(2005-06). The vulnerability of adolescent married women is evident from the analysis. As compared to never married women of age-group 15-19 and the currently married women of age-group 20-24, married women of age-group 15-19 are mostly from rural area, with no or low formal education, having poor exposure to mass media, from lower economic class, and have poor nutritional status. Low level of education associated with adolescent childbearing has negative impact on birth weight and high mortality of children of adolescent women. As in India, one-fourth of new born children born to adolescent women are smaller than average size. Adolescent childbearing also results into lower utilization of maternal and child health care services and higher experience of maternal complications. The double disadvantage of women in terms of socio-economic status and physical immaturity has serious negative impact; though socio-economic impact is much larger than the effect of young age per se.
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35 432
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Conséquences des grossesses adolescentes sur la santé maternelle et infantile en Inde
Abstract (Translated)
Les grossesses adolescentes, généralement définies comme des grossesses survenant chez des jeunes filles âgées de 15 à 19 ans, est un sujet de préoccupation en Inde. De 2007 à 2009, en effet, 9 % des décès maternels concernaient des jeunes femmes âgées de moins de 20 ans. Les données utilisées dans la présente étude sont extraites de l'Enquête nationale sur la santé familiale (NFHS-3) (2005-06). La vulnérabilité des jeunes adolescentes mariées est clairement mise en évidence par l'analyse. Comparées aux jeunes filles de 15 à 19 ans n'ayant jamais été mariées et aux femmes mariées de 20-24 ans, les jeunes filles mariées de 15-19 ans sont majoritairement originaires de zones rurales, peu ou pas scolarisées, avec un accès limité aux médias, appartenant à la classe sociale la plus pauvre, et en mauvais état nutritionnel. Le faible niveau d'instruction lié aux grossesses adolescentes a un impact négatif sur le poids des nouveaux-nés à la naissance et la forte mortalité des enfants nés chez les adolescentes. En Inde, un quart des nouveaux-nés de mères adolescentes sont plus petits que la moyenne. Les grossesses adolescentes impliquent également un moindre recours aux services de santé maternelle et infantile, et une plus grande fréquence des complications pour les mères. Le double désavantage des femmes en termes de statut socio-économique et d'immaturité physique a un impact fortement négatif, mais l'impact du statut socio-économique est bien plus important que celui de l'âge en soi.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
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Status in Programme

Gender Inequality and Adolescent Pregnancy: the experience of low income young women and men in three Brazilian towns.

In our work we investigated how unequal gender relations increase both young men and women chances of dealing with a pregnancy during adolescence. In our analysis we used data from a survey with a sample of 450 young women and 300 young men between 15 and 29 years of age from low income households in three different middle sized towns located in Minas Gerais, a state in southeast Brazil. One town is located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte (the state capital), another one is located in the impoverished north region of the state and the other in the wealthier, more developed south. We found that young women had a much higher prevalence of teenage pregnancy (30.4%) than young men (9.1%). Our results also indicated that the presence of control and violence from a partner is related to a higher prevalence of adolescent pregnancy among young women. Likewise, among young men, those who declared to have had a controlling or violent behavior towards a partner were also more likely to have gotten a partner pregnant before they were 20 years old themselves. Our results reinforce the importance of understanding the impact of gender inequality on young men’s and women’s sexual and reproductive health.
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53 588
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Inégalité de genre et grossesses adolescentes : l’expérience de jeunes hommes et femmes à faibles revenus dans trois villes du Brésil
Abstract (Translated)
Dans cette étude, nous avons examiné comment l’inégalité de genre augmente les risques pour les jeunes hommes comme pour les jeunes filles d’être confrontés à une grossesse au cours de leur adolescence. Nous avons utilisé les données tirées d’une enquête portant sur un échantillon de 450 jeunes femmes et de 300 jeunes hommes âgés de 15 à 29 ans et issus de ménages à faibles revenus de trois villes moyennes du Minas Gerais, un état du sud est du Brésil. Une des villes se trouve dans la zone métropolitaine de Belo Horizonte (capitale de l’état), une autre se trouve dans la région pauvre au nord de l’état, et l’autre au sud, plus développé et plus riche. Nous avons observé que la prévalence des grossesses adolescentes était beaucoup plus élevée chez les jeunes femmes (30,4%) que chez les jeunes hommes (9,1%). Nos résultats ont également montré que chez les jeunes filles qui subissent un contrôle et la violence d’un partenaire, la prévalence des grossesses adolescentes était plus élevée encore. De même, chez les jeunes hommes, ceux qui déclarent avoir eu un comportement violent ou avoir exercé un contrôle de leur partenaire sont également les plus susceptibles d’avoir mis une partenaire enceinte avant d’atteindre eux-mêmes l’âge de 20 ans. Nos résultats mettent en lumière l’importance d’une meilleure compréhension de l’impact de l’inégalité de genre sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive des jeunes hommes et des jeunes femmes.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session only
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First Choice History
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Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Socio-Demographic Determinants of Adolescent Fertility in Zambia

Adolescent fertility is a major health concern because it’s associated with higher morbidity and mortality for both the mother and child. Zambia’s total fertility rate has remained at a high level, from 6.5 births per woman in 1992 to 6.2 births in 2007. At the same time adolescent childbearing is also high in Zambia such that at the age of nineteen years 59% of adolescent females have started childbearing. Using Zambia Demographic and Health survey 2007 (ZDHS) data this study examines the role of socio-demographic factors on adolescent fertility.
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Event ID
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47 204
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Les déterminants socio-démographiques de la fécondité adolescente en Zambie
Abstract (Translated)
La fécondité adolescente représente une question de santé majeure parce qu’elle s’accompagne d’une morbidité et une mortalité accrue pour la mère comme pour l’enfant. Le taux de fécondité total en Zambie est resté à un niveau élevé, passant de 6,5 naissances par femme en 1992 à 6,2 naissances en 2007. Par ailleurs, les grossesses adolescentes sont également très répandues en Zambie. A l’âge de 19 ans, 59 % des jeunes filles ont déjà commencé à procréer. A partir des données de l’Enquête démographique et de santé 2007 de la Zambie, cette étude examine le rôle des facteurs socio-démographiques sur la fécondité adolescente.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Motherhood during schooling: to which extent is it a risk for early completion of studies in Romania and some other European countries?

Early motherhood, during schooling, has usually negative consequences on women’s later life. For teenage girls, a pregnancy ending in a birth increases the risks of dropping out education, because she could be in need to handle with child and family. Consequently her accumulated human capital will reduce, as well as her ability to take advantage of life opportunities. The gender equality will deteriorate.
Adopting a life course perspective, I study the impact of the transition to motherhood on educational enrolment in Romania and other European countries (with GGS data) based on the presupposition that early motherhood has a negative effect, by reducing educational aspirations. However, since institutional and cultural factors do play a crucial role in shaping life-course interrelationship, I intend to disentangle between three periods: the 1980s, the 1990s, and the 2000s. For Romania and other former-communist countries these periods mark: i) the last years of the communist authoritarian regime, ii) the first years of transition to democracy and market economy, and iii) the consolidated capitalist regime. For the countries with stable sociopolitical regimes, the comparative analyses by period reveal the dynamic of the relationship between teenage motherhood and completion of studies, and highlight differences with CEE countrs.
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47 757
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Maternités précoces en Roumanie et dans d’autres pays d’Europe : un risque d’interruption des études ?
Abstract (Translated)
Les maternités précoces, qui surviennent durant les études, ont généralement un impact négatif sur la vie des jeunes filles concernées à l’âge adulte. Chez les adolescentes, une grossesse qui se termine par une naissance accroît les risques d’interruption des études, parce qu’elles sont appelées à s’occuper de leur enfant et de leur famille. De ce fait, leur capital humain accumulé diminue, de même que leur capacité à saisir les opportunités, avec pour conséquence une détérioration de l’égalité entre les genres. Selon la perspective du parcours de vie, j’étudie l’impact de la transition vers la maternité sur le taux de scolarisation en Roumanie et d’autres pays européens (à partir de données GGS), en partant du présupposé que les maternités précoces ont un impact négatif parce qu’elles réduisent l’ambition scolaire des jeunes filles. Cependant, les facteurs institutionnels et culturels jouent également un rôle crucial dans l’orientation des parcours de vie, et je vais donc distinguer trois périodes : les années 1980, les années 1990 et les années 2000. Pour la Roumanie et d’autres anciens pays communistes, ces périodes marquent :i) les dernières années du régime communiste autoritaire, ii) les premières années de transition vers la démocratie et l’économie de marché, et iii) la consolidation du régime capitaliste. Pour les pays jouissant d’un système sociopolitique stable, l’analyse comparative par période met en lumière la dynamique de la relation entre maternité adolescente et achèvement des études, et souligne les différences avec les pays de l’Union européenne.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Does higher spousal age difference cause higher and earlier fertility among adolescent girls? Evidence from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey

High spousal age difference shows different reproductive outcomes, especially among the married adolescent girls. This is because older husbands use to take reproductive decisions alone and try to compensate for delayed marriage. This study hypothesizes that adolescents with comparatively older husbands tend to get more children and have children earlier than their counterparts. Bangladesh DHS 2007 was used for the in-depth analyses. About 43% of the adolescents were married before the legal age (18 years) at marriage for girls in Bangladesh. About 22.3% of the adolescents had spousal age difference 5 years or less. Almost half (47%) of the married adolescents have their first child within one year of marriage. Poisson regression model suggested that the relative risk of having children among adolescent with spousal age difference 5 years or less was 0.554 compared to the adolescents with spousal age difference more than 15 years. The relative risk increased to 0.730 for spousal age difference between 6-10 years. A binary logistic regression model suggested that adolescents having spousal age difference 11-15 years were 2.45 times significantly more likely to have their first child within one year of their marriage compared to adolescents having spousal age difference 5 years or less.
confirm funding
Event ID
Paper presenter
53 358
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme