In this issue: IUSSP activities at the 4th Asian Population Association Conference ● IUSSP Panel Activities ● Data for Development activities ● Population Environment activities ● Call for Laureate nominations ● News from the members ● Secretariat news ● Regional population associations ● Other announcements ● N-IUSSP ● Calls for papers ● Job opportunities ● Calendar
IUSSP activities at the 4th Asian Population Association Conference 2018 APA Conference in Shanghai The IUSSP was present at the 4th Asian Population Association Conference in Shanghai, China 11-14 July 2018. The IUSSP held a booth and organized a pre-conference workshop and special sessions. For more details on the conference and plenary key notes read here.
Session on “Innovations in longitudinal and cross-national surveys” At the invitation of the Asian Population Association, the IUSSP organized a well-attended session at the APA Conference on “Innovations in longitudinal and cross-national surveys” chaired by Nico van Nimwegen, IUSSP Secretary General.
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Meeting with the China Population and Development Research Center (CPDRC) The 4th Asian Population Association Conference was an opportunity for IUSSP to strengthen its ties with the population research community in China. The IUSSP met with Dr. Liu Hongyan and her team from the China Population and Development Research Center (CPDRC) along with Dr. Gu Danan from the UN Population Division and Zhao Yuan Dean of Nanjing Normal University, Ginling College.
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Side Event on Mandarin translation of Tools for Demographic Estimation The China Population and Development Research Center (CPDRC), the Centre for Family and Population Research, National University of Singapore, Nanjing Normal University, Ginling College, and the Asian Demographic Research Institute jointly organized with IUSSP a side meeting to promote the Mandarin version of Tools for Demographic Estimation.
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IUSSP Panel Activities New Panel Proposals The call for new Panel proposals closed on 15 September. Eleven proposals were submitted. These will be reviewed by the IUSSP Council during the month of October and the new panels should be operational beginning 2019. (Read more)
IUSSP Project on Urban Family Planning Here is a brief update on the outcome of the Call for Proposals for research fellows, information on a new related Post-Doctoral Fellowship to be based at the University of Bristol, as well as details on upcoming activities at the International Family Planning Conference in Kigali, Rwanda in November.
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Special workshop on Family law, public policy and family behavior The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Family Demography and Family Law organized this session at the 4th Asian Population Association Conference in Shanghai, China, on 13 July 2018.
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Data for Development activities Workshop on Making Sense of Online Data for Population Research The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Big Data and Population Processes organized a workshop on Making Sense of Online Data for Population Research on 25 June 2018 in Stanford, California, as part of the 2018 International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM).
(Workshop Report)
Bayesian Small Area Estimation using Complex Survey Data: Methods and Applications The Two-Day Short Course on Bayesian Small Area Estimation using Complex Survey Data: Methods and Applications was held in Shanghai, China, on 10 and 11 July 2018 at the 4th Asian Population Association Conference.
(Workshop Report)
Summer Institute in Computational Social Science, Cape Town, June 18 - June 29 The Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS) held a two-week training workshop from 18 to 29 June at the University of Cape Town. The workshop provided African scholars and students from various disciplines the opportunity to learn new quantitative methodologies related to digital trace data.
(Workshop Report)
Population-Environment activities PERN cyberseminar The Population-Environment Research Network (PERN) will be organizing a cyberseminar the week of 12 November 2018 on “Climate, migration and health: an underexplored intersection”.
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IUSSP Laureate IUSSP Laureate Award 2019 – Call for nominations Would you like one of your colleagues to be honoured for their decisive contribution to the advancement of demography and population research? Do not hesitate to round up support and propose a nomination for the 2019 IUSSP Laureate award. Deadline for nominations: 1 November 2018. (Read more)
News from the members Spatial Demography Stephen Matthews (Penn State) has joined Jeremy Porter (CUNY Brooklyn College) as co-editor of the Springer journal Spatial Demography, which publishes articles that stress the critical use and application of spatial concepts, data, measures and methods in demographic research. The journal publishes both substantive and methodological papers from across the discipline and its related fields (including economics, geography, sociology, anthropology, environmental science) and in applications ranging from local to global scale.
Jacques Légaré receives Gérard Parizeau award The 2017 Gérard Parizeau Award was bestowed to Jacques Légaré, Emeritus Professor of Demography at the University of Montreal, in recognition of his exceptional contribution to the understanding of the demography of Quebec and Canada, and more specifically, the economic and social impacts of population ageing.
Members’ new publications - Trajectories and Origins: Survey on the Diversity of the French Population, edited by Cris Beauchemin, Christelle Hamel and Patrick Simon.
- Géographie des populations. Concepts, dynamiques, prospectives, by Gérard-François Dumont.
- Paths of Inequality in Brazil. A Half-Century of Changes, edited by Marta Arretche.
(Read summaries)
New IUSSP members Ten new members and 27 new student associates joined the IUSSP between 1 June 2018 and 1 September 2018. (See list)
In Memory 
Basia Zaba (1949–2018).
Secretariat News Welcome to Barbara Kaci We wish to welcome Barbara Kaci as Finance and Administrative Assistant at the IUSSP Secretariat. She is temporarily replacing Adelaide Twumasi, who is on maternity leave.
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Regional population associations 2019 African Population Conference in Kampala The Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) announces that the 8th African Population Conference will take place in Kampala, Uganda, 18-22 November 2019. Read the concept note on the conference theme: “Harnessing Africa's Population Dynamics for Sustainable Development: 25 Years after Cairo and Beyond”. (Read more)
2019 PAA Annual Meeting in Austin The next Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA) will take place in Austin, Texas, 10-13 April 2019. The deadline for abstract submissions closed on 16 September 2018. Congratulations to former IUSSP Council member Eileen Crimmins, who was elected PAA President for 2020. (Read more)
2018 APA Conference in Shanghai The 4th Asian Population Conference took place in Shanghai, China, 11-14 July 2018 at Shanghai University. The conference brought together 426 international participants from 34 countries and 125 Chinese participants from academic institutions, government agencies, NGOs and private sectors. The IUSSP was present with a booth and a number of activities. See Conference website, book of abstract and photo gallery. (Read more)
XX AIDELF Conference/ 44th Chaire Quetelet AIDELF and the Chaire Quetelet jointly organized this year from 28 to 31 August 2018 a conference on the theme “How do we age?”. Some 130 participants came together at the Aula Magna in Louvain-la-Neuve to listen to approximately 80 paper presentations and discuss ageing in its various dimensions and levels of analysis.
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Other announcements The USMDB: a new database to study geographic variations in US mortality The United States Mortality DataBase (USMDB) provides period lifetable series by sex for US geographies (all Census Divisions, Census Regions, States and D.C.) for all years since 1959. It is freely accessible and the data can be downloaded upon a short registration process. The USMDB series will be updated as new data become available and expanded to include cause-of-death information and, possibly, county-level lifetables. (Read more)
China Population and Development Studies China Population and Development Studies (CPDS) is a quarterly English academic journal focusing on China's population and development, hosted by the China Population and Development Research Center (CPDRC) and affiliated to the National Health Commission of China.
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Call for Editorial Board Members. Population and Environment, Volumes 40-44, 2019-2023 Springer and Population and Environment invite nominations for the 2019-2023 editorial board of the journal. This leading scientific journal in the fields of population and environmental studies publishes one volume of four issues per year. It is the sole social science journal focused on interdisciplinary research on social demographic aspects of environmental issues. Deadline for nominations: 30 Sept. 2018.
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Population Council. Adolescent Data Hub Are you conducting or interested in research on adolescents? In August, the Population Council’s Girl, Innovation, and Research Learning (GIRL) Center launched the Adolescent Data Hub, a unique global portal to share and access data on adolescents and young people living in low- and middle-income countries. (Read more)
Sociological Insights for Development Policy The Sociology of Development section of the American Sociological Association (ASA) has established a Sociological Insights for Development Policy series to build bridges between development sociologists examining the social determinants and consequences of development and professionals engaged in formulating development policy and practice. (Read more and contribute a brief)
Mid-term Review of the Asian and Pacific Declaration on Population and Development From 26-28 November 2018, the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), in collaboration with UNFPA, will hold the Mid-Term Review of the Asian and Pacific Declaration on Population and Development in Bangkok. (Read more)
N-IUSSP  N-IUSSP's recent articles - Stability of U.S. couples with children in a comparative perspective, by Katherine Michelmore and Kelly Musick.
- Ageing without children in Thailand: bad for mental health? by Nekehia T. Quashie and Wiraporn Pothisiri.
- Marriage markets and assortative mating in first marriages and remarriages in the USA, by Zhenchao Qian and Daniel T. Lichter.
- Adolescent contraceptive use and its effects on fertility, by David A. Sánchez-Páez and José A. Ortega.
- Fertility decisions in Poland: looking beyond national boundaries, by Joanna Marczak, Wendy Sigle and Ernestina Coast.
- Stability of cohabiting unions in Europe, by Zuzana Zilincikova.
- Birth spacing and long-term health and mortality, by Kieron Barclay.
- The myth of the sandwich generation in Brazil, by Maria Carolina Tomás, Everton Emanuel Campos de Lima and Bernardo Lanza Queiroz.
- Present and future of female genital mutilation/cutting in Europe, by Livia Elisa Ortensi.
(Read articles)
Calls Calls for papers - Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione – Popdays 2019, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, 24‐26 January 2019. Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2018
- Family and Fertility over the Life Course in Europe, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom, 15-16 November 2018. Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2018
- 16th Annual Conference of the Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health (IASSH), New Delhi, India, 10-12 December 2018. Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2018
- Popdays 2019 Side Event: Quantitative research on non-heterosexual populations: measuring homo-bisexual attraction, behavior, orientation, living arrangements, and opinions on homo-bisexuality in a population perspective., Milan, Italy, 24 January 2019, 8.30-12.30. Deadline for submissions: 1 October 2018
- 18e colloque national de démographie : Unions/Désunions/Non union, Dijon, France, 21-24 May 2019. Deadline for submissions: 15 October 2018
- IUSSP Seminar on Lifespan Extension with Varying Cause-of-death Trajectories in European Societies, Rauischholzhausen Castle (Hessen), Germany, 11-13 February 2019
Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 October 2018 - Population Young Author Prize. Deadline for submissions: 5 November 2018, Immigrants´ Integration: Educational Opportunities and Life Chances
- Monte Verità (Lake Maggiore), Switzerland, 23–28 June 2019. Deadline for submissions: 15 November 2018.
- 10th Demographic Conference of "Young Demographers". Actual Demographic Research of Young Demographers (not only) in Europe, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-8 February 2019. Deadline for submissions: 14 November 2018.
- 6th Annual International Conference on Demography and Population Studies, Athens, Greece, 17-20 June 2019. Deadline for submissions: 19 November 2018
- 2019 Annual Conference of the Population Association of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 19-20 April 2019. Deadline for submissions: 19 November 2018 (23:59 PM East Asian Time)
- 21st Nordic Demographic Symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland, 13-15 June 2019. Deadline for submissions: 1 December 2018
Job opportunities Employment announcements - Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Demography, McGill University (Montreal, Canada). Deadline for Applications: 27 September 2018
- Consultancy: Statistician/demographer - Supporting UNICEF activities for mortality. Deadline for Applications: 28 September 2018
- Research Fellow Position. University of Ghana. Deadline for Applications: 5 October 2018
- Unicef: Statistics Specialist – Mortality. Deadline for Applications: 15 October 2018
- Assistant Professor - Infrastructure and Data Science - Goldman School of Public Policy. University of California, Berkeley. Deadline for Applications: 15 October 2018
- Senior Research Associate, IUSSP Scientific Programme on Family Planning, Fertility and Urban Development, School of the Geographical Sciences, Bristol University. Deadline for applications: 21 October 2018
- Postdoctoral researcher on the “LifeCycle - Early-life stressors and LifeCycle health” project, International Migrations and Minorities Research Unit, French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), Paris, France. Deadline for Applications: 29 October 2018
- University of Rostock. Non-tenure track - Professorship in Demography. Deadline for Applications: 31 December 2018
Calendar Forthcoming IUSSP meetings & other events - World Social Science Forum 2018, Fukuoka, Japan, 25 28 Sept 2018
- VIII International Congress of the Latin American Population Association (ALAP), Puebla, Mexico, 23-26 Oct 2018
- Open International Conference: Refugees, Borders and Membership, Malmö, Sweden, 24-26 Oct 2018
- European Consortium for Sociological Research. 2018 Conference, Paris, France, 29-31 Oct 2018
- 2018 International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), Kigali, Rwanda, 12-15 Nov 2018
- IUSSP Workshop: Uncertainty and Complexity of Migration, London, United Kingdom, 20-21 Nov 2018
- IUSSP Seminar on Incidence and Safety of Abortion: New Evidence and Improvements in measurement, Watamu, Kenya, 3-5 Dec 2018
- Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2018 3rd Human Fertility Database Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 5-7 Dec 2018
- Intergovernmental Conference to adopt the Global Compact on Migration, Marrakech, Morocco, 10-11 Dec 2018
- 16th Annual Conference of the Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health (IASSH), New Delhi, India, 10-12 Dec 2018
- 8th Annual International Conference on Immigration in OECD Countries, Paris, France, 10-11 Dec 2018
- IUSSP workshop on Monitoring mortality in the context of the SDGs, Rostock, Germany, 11-13 Dec 2018
- 10th Demographic Conference of "Young Demographers" Actual Demographic Research of Young Demographers (not only) in Europe, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-8 Feb 2019
- IUSSP Seminar on Lifespan Extension with Varying Cause-of-death Trajectories in European Societies, Rauischholzhausen, Germany, 11-13 Feb 2019
- 2019 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA 2019), Austin, Texas, USA, 10-13 April 2019
- 2019 Annual Conference of the Population Association of Taiwan. Taipei, Taiwan, 19-20 April 2019
- 6th Annual International Conference on Demography and Population Studies, Athens, Greece, 17-20 June 2019
- 21st Nordic Demographic Symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland, 13-15 June 2019
- 8th African Population conference, Kampala, Uganda, 18-22 Nov 2019
Submit your announcements Feel free to share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field. IUSSP members are welcome to submit information on conferences, job openings, post-doctoral positions, and research grants for inclusion in the newsletter and IUSSP website. Please send the information to and remember to include important dates for application deadlines (and photos when appropriate). Information should be sent by email or in a Word document so that it can be edited. For inclusion in the next Bulletin, please send information by 1 December 2018. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
IUSSP Bulletin / Bulletin de l’UIESP Publication Director: Mary Ellen Zuppan, IUSSP Executive Director ISSN: 2427–0059 |