Returns to Education and Earnings Inequality in Segmented Labour Market: A Study of Migrants and Locals in Large Chinese Cities

Increasing earnings inequality has been a feature of China’s segmented urban labour markets in recent decades. This paper examines the effects of household registration or hukou-induced segmentation on earnings inequality and returns to education in urban China, using data from a survey conducted in four large Chinese cities in 2008, with a particular focus on three groups (urban locals, urban-to-urban migrants, and rural-to-urban migrants). The paper estimates returns to education in urban China by estimating separate Mincer equations for the three groups. A quantile regression is also carried out to examine the effects of covariates on earnings at different points of the conditional distribution. In addition, a decomposition of earnings differentials between groups is carried out to further identify the effect of education on earnings inequality using the Blinder-Oaxaca approach. The results indicate that factors such as downward mobility, fewer years of schooling and jobs in informal sectors have negative effects on rural migrants (but less so on urban migrants). It also finds that education is an important source of inequality. Inequality in educational attainments plays an important role in determining returns in urban labour market.
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48 056
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1 000
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Changing patterns of Internal Migration in Malawi, 1966-2008

Migration is an important component of population change in Malawi. Unfortunately, like in other African countries, reliable data on migration is difficult to collect. The aim of this study is to provide estimates of net internal migration for regions and districts in Malawi using indirect estimation procedure based on survival ratios. These methods have been under-utilised in demographic research in the country largely as a result of stringent assumptions. The results indicate that during the past four decades the pattern of internal migration in Malawi has changed. Northern Region has moved from being a net sender of people to a receiver whereas the opposite is true for Southern Region and Central Region has continued to experience net in-migration. There are migration differentials by districts and sex. The number of female migrants has increased. The above migration patterns resemble the nature of social and economic development in the province. One policy implication of the study is that efforts should continue being made to make the sending areas more attractive so as to reduce the inflow of people to the crowded and more affluent areas.
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47 974
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Internal migration in Brazil: trends at the beginning of the 21st Century

During the last 60 years, the internal migration in Brazil were strongly related to the processes of urbanization and spatial redistribution of the population, marked by the intense population mobility and inserted in different stages of economic, social and political processes experienced by the Country during this period. From 1970, we assisted de launching of the more recent changes in the national migration process. After a long period of economic crisis, more severe in the 1980s and somehow held in 1990, Brazil enters in the ‘2000s with new perspectives on their economic dynamics and for this reason it require a new look at its internal migration. In the field of migration, it is true that a recovery in the economy, employment and poverty reduction should have effects on the volume and intensity of migration flows. The understanding of interregional migration in the last four decades incorporates the processes of in-migration, emigration and return migration marked by its specific historical features of “migratory complementary”. The return migration, although not a new phenomenon in national migratory history, was configured as a key element for understanding the long distance flow, especially those of Southeast to Northeast.
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47 384
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Research on the Mode of Healthy Urbanization

Urbanization is the allocation process of economic and social resource and it’s also the significant transformation process of the production and living way. Urbanization relates to space layout, infrastructure, municipal facilities, employment, public services, social management and cultural construction. In the process of China's urbanization, there are the inclinations of extensive land use and excessive concentration of resources. Seeking the balance between resource environments, population, economic and social development is the basic requirement of the healthy development of urbanization. This paper takes Xi’an Yanta district urbanization as the research sample. The author tries to explore the connotation, basic path and system guarantee of healthy urbanization. The research bases on the analysis of traditional urbanization patterns and the healthy urbanization pilot project carried out by of the United Nations Population Fund in Yanta district.
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55 960
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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The heterogeneity of the migrant population in the large citys in Vietnam

Previous national migration surveys in Vietnam showed the existence of two-track system migration, consisting of permanent and temporary migration. This paper identify the differences and similarities between different groups of migrant included permanent migrants, permanent-temporary migrants and temporary-temporary migrants and factors association with the dichotomy between groups of migrant. We used data from a migration survey conducted in two major destinations for migration in 2008. Results show that migrants in cities are a heterogeneous group. Temporary migrants are much younger, healthier and more likely to be single than permanent migrants; but they are facing more stress and having a worse economic life. They are more likely to work in private sectors, involve with temporary or seasonal, dangerous and noxious jobs; however, they have lower income and socio security compared to permanent migrants. Permanent-temporary migrants have the same demographic characteristics compared to temporary-temporary migrant, but the characteristics of employment and income are closer to permanent migrants. Reasons of migration, the characteristics of employment and relatives in the city are especially important for increasing the likelihood of permanent migration.
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35 331
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Level and trends of wellbeing and household deprivations among urban slums of Islamabad

In Pakistan and across the world, slums are the characteristics of urban setting. Almost every slum exits across the boundaries of cities but in Islamabad, slums are right at the centre of urban sectors and they are inhabited particularly on banks of rain water passages. Notwithstanding, CDA has approved these slums. People started to migrate here from early 1960s and after 1997 CDA has regularized these slums covered under this study. Regularization provided inhabitants the right to build houses and live as legitimate member of the community. What particular socio-demographic characteristics they have, how households are distributed between and across communities, in terms of wealth index, and what patterns of household-level deprivations exist in all of these communities are the target of this research work. Findings show that wealth index varies within communities e.g. G7/1 slum is found as inhabiting largest poorest segment and G7/2 inhabiting largest richest segment of households. Household deprivations vary from 38 to 54 percent. In overall, about 45% of the total population is excess population that shows that these slums are over populated. It has been found that demographic transition has already been started for these communities, therefore, poverty and household deprivations could have negative implications in future.
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52 098
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Seasonal Migration as a choice to Adaptation in the context of Environmental Degradation and Climate Change: Bangladesh as a Case

This study explores and analyzes different local factors influencing environmental and socio-economic change to drive migration in the coastal Bangladesh. Local people have been interviewed in-depth to explore the context and how they perceive it from their actual experiences. The study finds that the agricultural transformation has caused ecological disaster in the area due to salinity intrusion and shrimp farming leading to significant environmental transformation and threats to local resilience. Reduction of household resilience has shifted away vulnerable people to move outside territory ranging from one week to a maximum of six months as seasonal migrants which is a common trend for a long time for some people to strengthen household capital and savings as adaptation choice when regular employment is not available. People have little understanding of whether such environmental changes are linked to climate change or not but they emphasize man-made interventions and natural disasters. Climate change is a fact but in the present case of migration it only exacerbates an already existing problem. This influences people to migrate temporarily to increase their household resilience/capital from outside and can be considered to be an alternative livelihood strategy or adaptation choice if other local options fail.
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54 746
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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Learning Process, Education and Conflicts; Dilemmas and Diffusion of Migrant: A Case Study of Delhi Slum

Migration of people always have backward and forward linkages; Movement has manifold impact on people apart from people who are actually migrating—impacts that critically shape its overall effects. The present study is the study of slums of Delhi and it consist of migration from all over India. The study deals with the level of the education attainment, pattern of the education system and persuasion of the cultural practices by the ethnic minority groups (the groups taken into consideration are Muslim and Sikhs). The paper studies internal conflicts of the society and people How, these education in schools are corroborating there cultural practices and there assimilation into homogeneous society from large heterogeneous society for the analysis assimilation and diffusion index has been constructed using social, demographic and cultural factors. The major question is whether migrants able to retain there cultural practices or they get diffused into cosmopolitan or metropolitan culture. Factor analysis was conducted and using factor loadings as weights variables are combined to generate a composite assimilation or diffusion index denoted as using varimax rotation( in order to obtain statistically independent factors ) results of the factors are tabulated. The preliminary results shows that the education attainment and the process
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55 921
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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The quality of life of youth migrants working in the informal sector in Hanoi, Vietnam

This paper is based on “Research on youth migrants working in the informal sector in Hanoi” that was implemented by the Institute for Population and Social Studies – The National Economics University and with the cooperation, the both technical and financial support from Plan in Vietnam - Hanoi Programme Unit. This study used a combination of two types of information from the studies of already available documents and the primary data (based on quantitative and qualitative survey 2009).
This paper aims to describe, analyze some factors of the quality of life (QoL) of youth migrants working in the informal sector in Hanoi. The QoL in this survey was analyzed on the basic of evaluating the opportunities and limitations in three factors: Being, Belonging, and Becoming . Results of the study showed that majority of surveyed groups said that the material aspects of the factors such as life, integration and development of youth immigrant have improved some when compared with the time before they moved. However, the psychological and social aspects of the quality of life tend to go down. Some recommendations were suggested for original areas and destination areas to improve the QoL of migrants working in the informal sector in Hanoi.
Key words: Youth Migrants, Informal Sector, Quality of Life, Physical Being, Psychological Being,
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48 854
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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“Pattern of Internal Youth Migration in India and A Comparison with the Development Indicators between the EAG (Empowered Action Group) States and Other States.”

Youth migration has its immense importance as a development parameter. Young people of age 15-24 years constitute 35% of India’s total population (2001 census) which represents India’s future in the socio-economic and political realms. The EAG (Empowered Action Group) states plays a vital role in youth migration and are undergoing faster economic and social change to reduce the regional disparity. The study has three objectives: To study spatial patterns of youth migration in India focusing on EAG states and to understand the characteristics of youth migration. To establish the linkages between youth migration and development. This study is based on 2001 census data D- series, and age group is 15-24 years and development variables from various reports of Planning Commission, Central Statistical Organization and CMIE reports. Regional disparity in development influences flow of inter-state youth migration streams. The youths mostly migrate from the EAG states to other more developed states.
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Event ID
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35 334
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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