Facets of Labour Migration to West Asia: A Case Study

India has experienced various phases of emigration in different directions over the globe. One dominant wave was directed towards West Asia from 1970s due to the 1973 and 1979 oil booms. Semi skilled and unskilled Indian workers migrated in these countries on contractual basis and still following the same. Most of the workers migrated to gulf countries for harnessing better financial opportunities to support their families back home. The flow of remittances from these migrants contributes significantly to the foreign currency reserves and in directing the India’s financial and fiscal policies. A large number of labourers also moved from Rajasthan especially from Shekhawati & churu areas.
Here, various dimensions of the process emigration from India to gulf countries are analyzed. The basic aim here is to identify the multifaceted problems faced by these workers and to put deep insight into the framework of solution. Here the impact of such migration on the families back home is also analyzed.
For this study sample survey has been conducted in Sikar, Churu and Jhunjhunu districts of Rajasthan using purposive sampling technique. For six hundred samples, information were collected through the means of questionnaires and in-depth interviews and then suitably represented with the help of graphs, maps and statistical diagrams.

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The decline of drain? Recent Features of Mexican professionals in Mexico and the United States, 2000-2010

In contrast with the global trend observed in the nineties, between 2000 and 2010 the migration of highly-skilled Mexicans to the United States has shown a relative decline. Focusing the attention on Mexico, we find that in recent years, the population with levels of postgraduate degrees (masters and doctorate) has substantially increased. This resulted in a major transformation in the structure of the Mexican labor force. Does this change the supply of skills and abilities?. Is it reflected in the conditions of the national labor market?. Does it impact the levels and characteristics of skilled migration?. Does it affect the type of labor incorporation achieved in the United States?

The paper explores the sociodemographic, migratory and labor characteristics assumed by the skilled workforce in Mexico compared with its counterpart in the United States. In particular, the paper analyzes the transformations on the labor market: the participation, activity and unemployment rates; the characteristics of occupations -including the relationship with the skill level of occupation-, as well as the main careers and sectors in which they are inserted in each country. Such knowledge will provide better inputs for further discussions on "drain", "waste" and "circulation" of highly qualified human resources.
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Regional variation in process of out-migration and remittances in rural India: A comparison between states of Bihar and Punjab

The dynamics of out-migration is an intrinsic part of development process. The process of out-migration may unfold itself differently in two different regions. A poor household may adopt the strategy of out-migration to supplement the basic necessities of its survival; while in better-off household out-migration can be an accumulative strategy to improve its relative position in society. Bihar and Punjab are two different regions of India which retain a long tradition of out-migration. Out-migration from Bihar is considered as a support system for the poor family, associated to underdevelopment in the region. Out-migration from Punjab, which is mostly inter-national in its nature, taken up mostly by well-off families. The evidence from NSS 64th Round, shows a clear variation in the process and pattern of out-migration. From Bihar, migration from family of agricultural laborer is highest, who are poorest, while in Punjab Migration of farmers is higher, who are richest in the region. Amount of remittance received by the household of Punjab is clearly very high compared to the household of Bihar. However, remittance in both of the state is mostly being used in consumption needs. It shows the importance of migration for sustainability of livelihood in both undeveloped and advance region.
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The 2007/2008 international financial crisis hit severely many countries, particularly those with more developed economies that had attracted large contingents of foreign workers. Many Brazilian workers had gone abroad in the last decades and many of them had to return to Brazil caught up by the unemployment caused by the downturn in economic activities triggered by the crisis. This crisis, in the short run, had minor effects in developing economies such as Brazil.
The text analyzes these returning migrants using data from the Brazilian 2010 Census, focusing on the differences between those that returned before and after the crisis. Demographic and socioeconomic variables, such as schooling and class of worker were used.
The data analysis supports the hypothesis that in a migration process, a scout goes first and the family follows after. With the crisis the scout had to return before the family movement could be accomplished. Alternative patterns are concomitant family migration and the independent migration of members of a family. Also, with the recent bettering of the economic situation in the Brazilian scenario, the low schooling workers are the ones that travel abroad seeking for better salaries and in a moment of crises have to return: post crisis return migrants are in general less educated than pre crisis migrants.
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47 038
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1 000
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Are family and material ties with the origin country determinants for return? A Comparative analysis of Senegal - DR Congo

This paper uses a mixed methods approach to examine the impact of transnational family and material ties on return migration to Senegal and DR Congo. It compares the case of migrants from these two African countries which have experienced different political, economic and social evolutions and where migratory traditions are not the same. This comparison is based on the quantitative biographic dataset of the MAFE project that includes individuals surveyed both at origin and in Europe. Results show that migrants who live with their family in the destination country tend to return less to their home country, and this is even stronger for Congolese migrants. Findings are interpreted in the light of qualitative analysis data collected among return migrants in the regions of Dakar and Kinshasa.
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56 160
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Migration and educational attainment: Empirical findings from Ethiopia

An important aspect of the dynamics of international migration is the effect on educational attainment of members left behind in the origin country. A priori, one can expect both positive and negative effects of migration on education on other members of the household. Migrations can through remittances increase household income and reduce budget constraints that enable the household members left in the household to devote more time and spending on education. On the other hand, with fewer members in working age in the household the remaining members might be required to devote more time to work within the household or the labor market. Furthermore, the psychological cost of migration of a household member can also affect the motivation and educational achievements of household members left behind, particularly in the case of parental migration.

This paper investigates the effects of migration of children of the household head on school attainment of remaining siblings in the household in Ethiopia. I use a recently conducted migration household survey and apply a household fixed effects model, making use of the variation in sbilings' age at the time of migration, to control for unobserved, time-invariant household characteristics.

Note: Work in progress, no results avaiable
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53 987
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1 000
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From saddles to harrows: adoption of agriculture under the Russian peasant colonization in Kazakhstan

The principal objective of this study is to understand the influence of the massive in-migration of peasants on the adoption of agriculture by the nomadic population, the role of socio-economic factors and environmental conditions in this process basing on the historical data from the Northern Kazakhstan, end of XIX – early XX cc.
The main hypothesis is that the arrival of migrants had a considerable impact on the autochthone nomadic society. On the one hand it destabilized the equilibrium of the functioning of the nomadic society within the ecological zone of semi-arid steppes and rendered difficult practicing the nomadic herding; on the other hand it favoured the encounter between the nomads and the sedentaries, induced a learning process and the subsequent adoption of the new technology.
This study benefits from a unique detailed data set coming from the materials of the first statistical survey of the steppe areas of Kazakhstan.
The main funding is that the proximity to the Russian settlements matters for the agriculture adoption by the Kazakh economies, even after controlling for socio-economic and environmental factors. Even within the environment favourable for practicing agriculture, those Kazakh economies that are closer to the Russian settlements choose to specialize in agriculture.
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56 122
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Educational Assortative Mating Among New Immigrants to the United States

Previous research indicates that marital decisions reflect an intersection of cultural, economic and structural factors. Further, immigrant marital patterns are considered a measure of structural assimilation. Immigrants, relative to natives, experience distinct marriage markets. Immigrant mating options are shaped by immigration laws in addition to socioeconomic and cultural factors. This study using the 2003 New Immigrant Survey (NIS) examines educational assortative mating as measured by homogamy, hypergamy and hypogamy for new legal permanent residents. Preliminary results show the significance of mode of entry as measured by visa status on the likelihood of entering into a homogamous or hypergamous or hypogamous union. Individuals with employer based visa are more likely to marry homogamously relative to those who entered on spousal or diversity visas. Further, having received education in United States increases the likelihood of homogamy. The findings suggest the significance of immigration policies in shaping present and future family formation processes.
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35 250
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Skilled Labour DOMESTIC MIGRATION: an analysis of the BRAZILIAN

In Brazil 2008 according to the Center for Strategic Studies and Management (CGEE) the federal and state government was responsible for hiring more than 60% of all PhDs in the National Postgraduate between years from 1996 to 2006. The mobility of qualified personnel among regions of the country, especially to the north and northeast, from the second half of the twentieth century was driven primarily by a state policy of Federal Universities via creation and expansion of the National Postgraduate (SNPG ) and secondarily on the devolution of productive activities. This migration is influenced by the lower rate of vacancy for teaching in universities in the Southeast region of the country via a vis the output of graduates SNPG these same universities. To fully understand this type of migration is necessary to understand the role of universities in the Brazilian national economic development, the alternative is necessary to analyze how the process of economic decentralization over the past few years has influenced the hiring this type of worker.
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35 271
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The Palestinian migration: Causes of decline of Palestinians’ remittances

This paper will look at the causes and the financial impact of Palestinian migration. It contains three main sections. The first section will discuss the evolution of Palestinian migration: from forced migration due to the war of Israeli- Arab of 1948 to force/voluntary migration following to declaration of the Palestinian Authority due to Oslo peace declaration between Israel and Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1993. The second section, meanwhile, will focus on the causes of decreased of remittances sent by Palestinians abroad to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip since the exodus of 1948. It was noticed that the remittances from Palestinian workers abroad decreased sharply in the 1990 because of political and economic changes in the Arab region in addition to the establishment of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The paper finds that, although, the number of immigrants increased, due to the degradation of political and socio-economic situation since the second Intifada in 2000, the volume of remittances still below it is rates in the 1970s and 1980s. Finally, the paper will discuss the correlation between decrease of remittances and identity factors in the Palestinian case.
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35 283
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