Emigration from India and utilization of remittances at household level

Migration is a natural phenomenon which has been in practice from ages. People migrate from one place to another in search of livelihood and for a better standard of living. In this context, International labour migration provides a good opportunity. There are not enough studies taken up on the subject, in this backdrop, this study grabs the wonderful opportunity of exploring the recently available data of 64th round of National Sample Survey (schedule 10.2) and tries to assess the use of remittances by the receiving household. Results suggest that 55percent of remittances are used for food, followed by debt repayment (18 %), health (7%). Surprisingly, 0.6% households are reported to use the remittances for education. The age has a positive association with sending remittances to their families. Regression analysis shows that variations among states, religion and livelihood opportunity with regard to emigration and utilization of remittances received by the emigrant’s households are also noteworthy. The study finds that there has been considerable impact of remittances provided by emigrants which play a vital life to their families. The study shows that rate of emigration indicate that higher for highest quintiles while the share of sent remittances is greater for lower and lowest quintile.
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35 251
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An analysis of the characteristics of return migrant’s and their participation in the development of their country of origin: the case of Returnee’s investors

In North Africa particularly in Tunisia, researchers have highlighted the role of international migration on the development of the country of origin (Fourati, 2009; Khachani, 2004; Nassar, 2005; Labdellaoui, 2009; Haffad, 2006). Through this work we try to contribute to this literature. We attempt to explore data availability in particular population census 2004 in order to answer some research questions still until today not well explored. We try through the analysis developed on return migration to evaluate the participation of migrants in the development of their country of origin. In fact, our work will focus on return migrants in Tunisia, particularly those who have invested. We study their socio-economic and demographic characteristics. Many questions are raised: Who are Tunisian return migrants? What are their characteristics? Who are return migrants who have invested in Tunisia? What are the principal regions and activity sectors attracting the returnees’ investors? Using data from Census 2004 we developed descriptive and comparative analyses, taking into account the sex and the region of origin of migrants, and multivariate analyses based on logistic regression to study the probability for the return migrants to develop an investment.
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50 933
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Socio-economic Impact of International Migration on Family: The case of Female Domestic Workers in Kerala, India

In India, a reasonable proportion of migrants are originating from the state of Kerala. Although the pattern of migration shows dominance of males, females also constitute a significant section especially in the working age. The present paper, based on primary data collected from six villages in Kerala, focuses upon the remittances, its utilization pattern and socio-economic impact of female migration on migrants and their family. The analysis revealed that more than 90 percent of the migrants sent money to their family. The remittances were used for day to day living, repayment of loans, health care, constructing new houses and education of children. There was a significant increase in the mean standard of living of migrants after migration and the background characteristics, type of work at the destination, frequency of remittances, and any saving as a result of migration showed significant association with the standard of living after migration. Migration has also brought some kind of social impact in the family such as improvement in social life, better autonomy, educational status of the family, health care, shopping, recreation, and life satisfaction. Qualitative data revealed that there were some adverse effects of migration such as divorce, separation, conflicts in sharing of remittances.

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35 273
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Immigrants' children fertility intentions in Italy

The aim of this paper is to describe the attitudes toward fertility of immigrants’ children living in Italy and to measure the influence of individual and community determinants on their fertility preferences (FP). Data come from ITAGEN2, a quantitative survey performed in the s.y. 2005/06 targeted on Middle Schools (aged 11-14), statistically representative of 48 Italian provinces (above 103) for schools with >10% of foreign pupils (Centre-North) and >3% (South). About 20 thousand self-filled questionnaires have been collected (10,000 foreigners and 10,000 Italians). More than 200 schools are involved. The main results are the followings. Immigrants’ children want less children than Italians’ children (the opposite result comparing to similar survey in the Netherlands and Canada). The assimilation process works also for FP, as the FP of 2° generation are very similar to the FP of native Italians. Apart from the age of immigration, FP are influenced by the following individual characteristics: gender (– females), working status of the mother (– working mother), number of siblings (+), orientation toward career (–), knowledge of Italian language (+), ethnic tradition (+). At a community level, FP are influenced mainly by the realized fertility in school-friend’s family than the desired fertility in the country of origin.
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49 035
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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Serbia in international migration system

Šantić Danica, research assistent, Geographic Faculty, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Spasovski Milena, professor, Geographic Faculty, University of Belgrade, Serbia

''Serbia in the international migration syistem''

Serbia is a country with a long migration tradition, but recently the share of person in international economic and political migration rapidly increases. In the last decades of the 20th and the beginning of the 21th century is evident strengthening оf overall migrations on different levels (local, regional and international), with dominantly emigration character and strong diasporas, with the largest number of refugees and displaced persons in Europe and increasing of illegal migration. Relevant international institutions send recommendations to states and governments to implement proactive politics towards migrations by formulating and implementing migration policy within the population policy and other development policies. It is necessary to improve the socio-economic policies and programs in the country for the purpose of expressing favorable trends in the distribution of population, internal and international migration is necessary to stop and redirect the trend of migration due to the crisis in the 90's of young, educated professionals and scientists.
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35 270
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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International migration and segregation in the Brazilian Amazon

Many people work and have a substantive production about the international migration in Brazil, but just a few of them have studies in the Amazon region, a place that is more and more important over time. The Amazon attracts migrants especially from the neighbor countries, but also recently from longer distances, like United States, Portugal and Japan. The aim of this paper is to describe the main flows to the Amazon, in terms of characteristics of the individuals from Peru, Bolivia and Colombia, as well as municipalities of destination and the place of residence inside the municipality, in terms of census tracts, in a proxy of spatial segregation. The place of origin will also be considered, with the migrants that came directly from their countries or had more migratory experience inside Brazil before arrive at the municipality (internal migration), and the time of residence. The idea is to analyze better the recent migration, especially those who arrived in the 2005-2010 period, comparing with the non-migrants in order to estimate also the impact of migration in the destination areas.
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48 189
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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The Impact of Remittances on Socioeconomic Development in Rural Bangladesh

International remittances sent back to the homeland by migrant workers have an enormous impact on the economic growth and poverty reduction in developing countries. Remittances also serve as an important source of foreign exchange reserves for developing countries. In a handful of developing countries, remittances from emigrants account for more than 10 percent of the GDP. Bangladesh is the fifth highest remittance-earning country in the world. In 2005, 6.0 percent of the GDP in Bangladesh came from remittances.
The impact of remittances may vary between and within the developing countries. There have been a lot of studies to examine the impact at the national level but none has scrutinized the impact within the country. This paper examines the impact of remittances within the country and on the rural-urban differentials in Bangladesh. Our analyses will concentrate on identifying the following: (1) the proportion of the remittances that is used for basic consumption goods, housing, education and health care; (2) the proportion that is used for capital investments; and (3) the proportion that is used for loan payments
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35 282
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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South-South Migration in Latin America. Effects of Remittances from the Global South on Labor Force Participation and Investment in Paraguay and Bolivia

This paper aims to understand the effects of south-south remittances on the sending areas in two countries in Latin America, Bolivia and Paraguay. We provide a description of the changing patterns of sending and receiving remittances in the south of Latin America considering different moments in the decade, 2005 and 2010. The paper present a detailed analysis of the effects of remittances on labor force participation and investment in order to discuss the relationship among development, remittances and migration circuits in the south of Latin America. We use a nationally-representative household data set from Bolivia and Paraguay. Analytical work on the impact of remittances is complex due to the intrinsic endogeneity and selection bias involved in decisions surrounding migration and remittances. To meet these various methodological challenges we perform propensity score matching.
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35 274
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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The objective of this study was to analyze occupational mobility among Spanish immigrants according to two distinct trajectories: a) the first job obtained in Spain respect to the immigrant’s profession in the country of origin; b) current occupational status compared to the occupational status of the first job held in Spain. In this study we analyzed the situations of the labor market of men (with a strong presence of the construction industry) and women (jobs predominately available for domestic help). We focused our analysis on immigrants who arrived in Spain during the “immigration boom” (1997-2007). The source of the data we used was the National Survey on Immigration 2007. For our analysis we used occupational mobility charts and multi-variable models.
Results point to significant differences in occupational mobility between men and women. The construction industry plays a predominant role for men, acting as a magnet attracting occupational mobility both upward and downward. We observed a higher probability for downward occupational mobility for women, although a significant number of women who were housewives in their country of origin joined the labor market after immigrating. The main factors influencing occupational mobility once living in Spain were found to be length of residence, region of origin, networking, etc.
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Event ID
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54 622
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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The role of immigrants’ children in shaping educational ambitions of natives

The growing presence of children with immigrant backgrounds in the Italian school system has spurred social scientists to investigate the impact of these children on natives’ performances.
This paper investigates the effects of the increasing number of migrants in schools on the individual educational expectations and aspirations of Italian students attending 8th grade.
Multilevel analyses are performed using data from ITAGEN survey (2005-2006 school years) and from official information of the Italian ministry of education.
Results demonstrate that attending a school with a high share of foreigners has no impact on realistic expectations about secondary education of Italian students, nevertheless it leads to a reduction of their own long term university aspirations.
Moreover, students attending schools where there is higher level of integration (measured as percentage of Italian students with immigrant friends) are more prone to have high short term educational expectations.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
52 500
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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