The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Family Planning, Fertility and Urban Development will oversee a 4-year IUSSP project to produce policy-relevant evidence on the effects of family planning and fertility change on urban welfare recently funded by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The grant will fund fellowships to roughly 17 early-to-mid career researchers in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to conduct research.
The programme aims both to build the policy-relevant evidence base on family planning and fertility outcomes in urban areas of these regions, and to provide skill-building opportunities to early-career researchers to work on issues of urban family planning. The project includes mentoring and training activities as well as funds for policy outreach at local, national and international levels. The ultimate aim of the project is to raise awareness of the contributions of family planning to sustainable cities among urban planners and policy makers and to put family planning on the urban policy agenda where it has been largely absent.
The programme will work closely with a select set of leading sub-Saharan African and South Asian institutions active in demographic and urban studies spheres. Additional funds will be made available to promote communication of findings to policy audiences at local, national and international levels. In addition to the fellowships that form the core of project, the project will support the participation of top-level specialists at important international meetings (United Nations, UN-Habitat, etc.) to draw the attention of urban policy makers to the potential value of investments in family planning services to urban development.
Final Report: Evaluation of a Research and Capacity-Building Project in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report provides an overview and evaluation of the urban FP fellowship programme, including views and experiences of the research fellows, a summary of project outputs, lessons learned, and recommendations for carrying out capacity building through multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary fellowships with a focus on training early career scholars to carry out policy-relevant research and engage with policymakers.
Workshop on Policy Engagement and Communications, at the Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP)
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 10-14 April 2023
- Report (in French)
Session at the "Lundis de l'Ined": Assessing the state of urban science in contemporary global policy debates,
Paris, France, 20 March 2023
Scientific Writing Workshop, APHRC Campus
Nairobi, Kenya 15-17 March 2023
Urban FP Panel members at the International Conference on Family Planning
Session on “Family planning meets urban development in Sub-Saharan Africa: addressing intersectoral challenges for urban health” at the 18th International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH)
Valencia, Spain, 25 October 2022
3-Panel mini-conference
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal 12-15 July 2022
9th Africities Summit, Kisumu Kenya 17-21 May 2022
Family planning is critical to urban development: what you need to know and what you can do (Part 1& 2) on 18 May: 9:00-12:00 & 14:00-17:00.
Report for the 2021 IUSSP General Assembly of Members
IPC2021 Research Leader Session 163: New Evidence on Urban Fertility and Family Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
9 December at 14:00 UTC
- Watch the recorded session at
8th African Population Conference in Entebbe, Uganda 18-22 November 2019
- Urban Family Planning session on Tuesday 19 November at the 8th African Population (includes links to video recording of the session)
- Plenary: No Urban Legend: Taking the Long-Term View on the realities of Urbanization in Africa with IUSSP Panel on Fertility, Family Planning and Urban Development. Speakers included Donatien Beguy and Tom LeGrand of the IUSSP project’s Scientific Panel, and Allan Katamba of TCI.
International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH), Xiamen, China 2-8 November 2019.
- Panel Session 1: Research and action on addressing family planning and reproductive health in urban health care systems
- Panel Session 2: Policy and governance approaches to considering family planning and fertility in urban health
- View details of session and activities
Family planning, fertility and urban welfare in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, International Conference on Family Planning, Kigali, Rwanda on 14 November 2018
Call for Research Proposals - round 2
Family Planning, Fertility and Urban Development
- Date website opens for electronic submission of proposals: 15 March 2019
- Deadline for submission of concept note: 15 April 2019
- Deadline for submission of full proposal: 1 July 2019
- Gitonga, Eliphas and Gage AJ (2024) Modern contraceptive prevalence and its predictors among non-refugee and refugee Somali women in Nairobi city, Kenya; a comparative view. Front. Glob. Womens Health 5:1328612. doi: 10.3389/fgwh.2024.1328612
- Duminy J., Ezeh, A., Galea, S., Harpham, T., Montgomery, M. R., Salas, I., Weber, D., Weimann, A., and You, D. (2023) “Demographic Change and Urban Health: Towards a Novel Agenda for Delivering Sustainable and Healthy Cities for All.” Issue paper to inform the World Health Organization’s Strategic Guide for Urban Health. Geneva: World Health Organization.
- Biney, Adriana. A. E., Kayi, E., Atiglo, D. Y., Sowah, L. R., Badasu, D., & Ankomah, A. (2023). COVID-19, relationships, and contraception: qualitative perspectives from emerging adults during the COVID-19 lockdown in Accra, Ghana. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 3:100216.
- Manet, H., Doucet, M., Bangoura, C., Dioubaté, N., Ayadi, A. M. E., Sidibé, S., Millimouno, T. M., & Delamou, A. (2023). Factors facilitating the use of contraceptive methods among urban adolescents and youth in Guinea: a qualitative study. Reproductive Health, 20:89.
- Adedini, Sunday & Mberu, Blessing & Alex-Ojei, Christiana & Ntoimo, Lorretta. (2022). Exploring barriers and facilitators to integrated policy formulation and implementation of family planning and urban development programmes in Nigeria. Health Research Policy and Systems. 20. 10.1186/s12961-022-00924-0.
- Adedini, Sunday. (2022). “Population Dynamics, Urbanisation and Climate Change in Africa’s Intermediate Cities: What Can Family Planning Contribute?”. The Journal of Population and Sustainability, October.
- Biney, Adriana, Kayi, Esinam & Atiglo, D Yaw & Sowah, Laud & Badasu, Delali & Ankomah, Augustine. (2022). COVID-19, relationships, and contraception: Qualitative perspectives from emerging adults during the COVID-19 lockdown in Accra, Ghana. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health. 3.
- Seidu, Abdul-Aziz & Ameyaw, Edward & Opoku, Bright & Ahinkorah, Bright & Baatiema, Leonard & Dery, Samuel & Ankomah, Augustine & Ganle, John. (2022). Sexual and reproductive health education and its association with ever use of contraception: a cross-sectional study among women in urban slums, Accra. Reproductive Health. 19 (1)
- Hapham, Trudy, Tetui, M., Smith, R. et al. (2022). Urban Family Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: an Illustration of the Cross-sectoral Challenges of Urban Health. Journal of Urban Health 99, 1044–1053.
- Ezeh, Alex, Maurice Anyawie, and John Cleland (2022). Contraceptive Use in Urban Africa: Examining Trends in Rich–Poor, Studies in Family Planning 53(3): 515-526.
- Akilimali, Pierre, Nguyen-Toan Tran, Anastasia J Gage. (2021) Heterogeneity of Modern Contraceptive Use among Urban Slum and Nonslum Women in Kinshasa, DR Congo: Cross-Sectional Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Sep 6;18(17):9400.
- Alhassan, Nurudeen & Madise, Nyovani. (2021). Demand for Family Planning Satisfied With Modern Methods in Urban Malawi: CHAID Analysis to Identify Predictors and Women Underserved With Family Planning Services. Frontiers in Global Women's Health. 2. 10.3389/fgwh.2021.652902.
- Bangoura, Charlotte, Dioubaté Nafissatou, Manet Hawa, Camara Bienvenu Salim, Kouyaté Mariama, Douno Moussa, Tetui, Moses, El Ayadi, Alison M., Delamou, Alexandre (2021) Experiences, Preferences, and Needs of Adolescents and Urban Youth in Contraceptive Use in Conakry, 2019, Guinea. Frontiers in Global Women's Health (2). Available at .
- Bougma, Moussa, Sawadogo A, Sidbewende K. (2021) Durée de résidence et utilisation de la contraception moderne chez les femmes migrantes du milieu rural a Ougadougou. Revue des lettres, langues et science de l’homme et de la société, 12:2 (359).
- Dioubaté N, Manet H, Bangoura C, Sidibé S, Kouyaté M, Kolie D, Ayadi AME and Delamou A (2021). Barriers to Contraceptive Use Among Urban Adolescents and Youth in Conakry, 2019, Guinea. Front. Glob. Womens Health 2:655929. doi: 10.3389/fgwh.2021.65592 .
- Ganle JK, Baatiema L, Ayamah P, Ofori CAE, Ameyaw KE, Seidu A, Ankomah A (2021). Family planning for urban slums in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of interventions/service delivery models and their impact. International Journal for Equity in Health, 20:186. Available at
- Harpham, Trudy et al. (2021). Bridging the gaps sector to sector and research to policy: linking family planning to urban development, Development in Practice, 31:6, 794-804, DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2021.1937560
- Owoo, Nkechi (2021) Demographic Considerations and Food Security in Nigeria, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 128–167.
- Tetui, Moses (2021) "Geospatial Distribution of Family Planning Services in Kira Municipality, Wakiso District, Uganda", Frontiers in Global Women's Health.
- Tetui, Moses, Baroudi M, Ssekamatte T, Birabwa C, Kibira SP, Atuyambe L, et al. (2021) Total Demand, Use and Unmet Need for Modern Contraceptives Among Women Living in Informal Settlements in Kira Municipality, Wakiso District, Uganda. Implications for Urban Health. Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 2(55).
- Lukyamuzi Z, Tetui M, Fonseca-Rodríguez O, Atuyambe L, Makumbi FE, Baroudi M. (2021) Quality of Care in Family Planning Services: Differences Between Formal and Informal Settlements of Kira Municipality, Uganda. Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 2(57).
- Mulubwa C, Munakampe MN, Namakula H, Hernandez A, Ssekamatte T, Atuyambe LM, Tetui M. (2021) Framing Contraceptive Use Motivations Among Adolescents and Young Adults Living in Informal Settlements in Kira Municipality, Wakiso District, Uganda. Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 2(40).
- Birabwa C*, Chemonges D, Tetui M, Baroudi M, Namatovu F, Akuze J, et al. (2021). Knowledge and Information Exposure About Family Planning Among Women of Reproductive Age in Informal Settlements of Kira Municipality, Wakiso District, Uganda. Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 2(24).
- Duminy, James. (2021). Beyond growth and density: Recentring the demographic drivers of urban health and risk in the global south. Urban Studies, 0(0)
- Duminy, James and Susan Parnell (2021) Influencing the urban policy agenda: A survey of expert opinion. Paris: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
- Duminy, James, John Cleland, Trudy Harphan, Mark R. Montgomery, Susan Parnell, and Ilene Speizer (2021) Urban Family Planning in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Critical Scoping Review, Frontiers in Global Women's Health,
- Sidibé, Sidikiba, Alexandre Delamou et al (2020) "Trends in contraceptive use, unmet need and associated factors of modern contraceptive use among urban adolescents and young women in Guinea", BMC Public Health, 20:1840
- Duminy, James (2020) Urban Family Planning and Fertility in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Paris: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
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