In this issue: IPC2025 site visit to Brisbane, Australia ● IPC 2021 report and videos ● Urban FP Panel at ICUH in Valencia ● IUSSP Panels at the ICFP in Pattaya ● Migration in the past ● The habitability concept in the field of population-environment ● IUSSP Webinar Series ● News from the members ● News from population associations ● Other announcements ● N-IUSSP ● Calls for papers ● Training courses ● Career and study opportunities ● Calendar

On 15 November, the world's population passed the 8 billion mark. Read about the significance of this milestone here. This bulletin includes news and photos from recent international conferences including a site visit to Brisbane, Australia in preparation for IPC2025. As 2022 comes to a close, the IUSSP Secretariat wishes you peace and joy for the holidays. We look forward to hearing and seeing you in the New Year.
International Population Conference Preparing IPC 2025 – Site visit to Brisbane  IUSSP's 2025 International Population Conference (IPC 2025) will convene from 13 to 18 July 2025, as was confirmed during a recent site visit to Brisbane. The IPC2025 will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit Australia. (Read more)
IPC 2021 report and selected videos Access to the IPC 2021 Conference platform is coming to an end. Recordings of a selection of sessions have been posted to IUSSP’s Youtube channel, along with preconference webinars and other videos.
(Watch the videos and read the conference report)
IUSSP Panel activities Urban FP Panel at ICUH in Valencia The IUSSP Urban Family Planning Fellows participated in the International Conference on Urban Health in Valencia, Spain 24-28 October 2022.
(Read more)
IUSSP Panels at the ICFP in Pattaya IUSSP Panels on Contraceptive Transition Theories and Urban Family Planning participated in the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in Pattaya, Thailand 14-17 November 2022.
(Read more)
Migration in the past The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography organized an online Seminar on “Migration in the Past: Patterns, Causes, Consequences, and Implications,” on 28 October 2022, in collaboration with the Center for Social Research, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.
(Read more)
The habitability concept in the field of population-environment 
The Population-Environment Research Network (PERN), in collaboration with the HABITABLE project and Columbia Climate School’s Managed Retreat conference series, will organize a cyberseminar from 13 to 17 March 2023 on “The habitability concept in the field of population-environment studies: relevance and research implications". For more information on how to participate... (Read more)
IUSSP Webinar Series Extracting spatial data on environment 
The IUSSP Panel on Early Career Perspectives is organizing an online training workshop on “Extracting Spatial Data on Environment for Research” on 25 January 2023. The trainer will be Ankit Sikarwar (INED). (Applications are now closed) (Read more)
News from the members Congratulations to our members • Albert Esteve

The European Doctoral School for Demography (EDSD), is happy to announce that Albert Esteve, director of the Center for Demographic Studies-CED, Barcelona Spain, is the new rector of EDSD. Albert is also a member of the current IUSSP Council.
• Steven Ruggles
Steven Ruggles who is a recipient of a 2022 MacArthur Fellowship for his work “setting new standards in quantitative historical research by building the world’s largest publicly available database of population statistics”.
• Zeng Yi
Zeng Yi who was recently recognized as one of the Healthy Ageing 50 – fifty leaders working to transform the world to be a better place to grow older by the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing.
Members' new publications - Population and the Political Imagination: Census, Register and Citizenship in India, Ram B. Bhagat
- Researching Internal Migration, S. Irudaya Rajan and Ram B. Bhagat.
(Read Summaries)
In memoriam • Tony Wrigley (1931-2022)

Tony Wrigley passed away on 25 February 2022. He was a demographer, historian, and geographer, whose work shaped the historical study of population and the Industrial Revolution. He joined the IUSSP in 1967 and was elected IUSSP Laureate in 1993.
• Tomas Frejka (1932-2022)
We recently learned of the passing of Tomas Frejka on 17 April 2022, just short of his 90th year. He joined the IUSSP in 1967 and was an active member regularly attending IUSSP conferences and the meetings of IUSSP Committees and Panels. Most recently he served as a member of 2010-2013 IUSSP Scientific Panel on Below Replacement Fertility: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses.
• Chris Langford (1941-2022)
We are sad to announce that Chris Langford passed away on January 20, 2022. A member since 1970 and a member of the Committee on Comparative Analysis of Fertility (1971-1974), Chris was a key member of the demographic community in Britain for several decades. He was a meticulous scholar and dedicated teacher as well as an authority on much of the Union’s history.
New IUSSP members Nine new members and 33 new Student Associates joined the IUSSP between 1 September and 30 November 2022. Please encourage your colleagues and students to become members. (See list)
News from population associations 6th Portuguese Conference on Demography Paulo Machado and Lara P. Tavares report on the 6th Portuguese Conference on Demography organized in Lisbon, Portugal, 13-14 October 2022 by the Portuguese Association of Demography (Associação Portuguesa de Demografia – APD).
(Read more)
22nd National Meeting of ABEP 
Nicole Estefany Aponte Cueto reports on the 22nd National Meeting of the Brazilian Association of Population Studies (ABEP) held online from 7 to 11 November 2022 on the genaral theme "Population, Information, and Society: Demographic Dynamics and Knowledge in a Post-Pandemic World". (Read more)
Other announcements Scholarships at LSHTM

Applications are now open for two MScs organised by the Population Studies Group at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM): the MSc in Demography & Health and the MSc in Reproductive & Sexual Health Research. Scholarships are available for interested applicants for the academic year 2023-24. (Read more)
IIPS activities
The International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) organized the India launch of United Nations World Population Prospects- 2022 and World Population Day Symposium. The IIPS Centre for Ageing Studies organized a workshop on "Harmonization of Ageing Data around the World" as well as a Symposium on the occasion of International Day of Older Persons.
(Watch the video recordings of these events.)
The Human Fertility Database

The Human Fertility Database (HFD) switched to a creative commons (CC-BY 4.0) license, granting its users more freedom and flexibility to copy, modify and distribute HFD data. This open access database provides detailed and high-quality historical and recent data on period and cohort fertility by age of mother and birth order for many developed countries. (Read more)
N-IUSSP Recent articles
- Late-career employment trajectories and post-retirement mortality among Italian retirees, Benedetta Scotti
- Olympic Games help children grow up healthy, Chao Guo
- Does culture influence the gender division of housework and childcare? Elisa Brini, Anna Zamberlan and Paolo Barbieri
- Child survival in India: Hindus now catching up with Muslims, Dibyasree Ganguly and Srinivas Goli
- Cohabitation matters when studying breakups of couples with different migrant backgrounds, Layla Van den Berg and Dimitri Mortelmans
- Women’s economic empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa: what do we know? Eunice Williams
- The Russian labour market and the Ukrainian war, N-IUSSP
- The educational hypogamy puzzle in India, Koyel Sarkar
- Did COVID-19 policies increase inequalities in mental well-being? Veronica Toffolutti, Samuel Plach, Teodora Maksimovic, Giorgio Piccitto, Massimiliano Mascherini, Letizia Mencarini and Arnstein Aassve
- More equitable sharing of housework facilitates childbearing among dual-income couples, Jolene Tan
- Stalls in fertility decline are not that easy to detect (and are not all the same), Michael Grimm, Isabel Günther and Kenneth Harttgen
- Life expectancy variation 2019–2021 and the role of Covid-19 vaccination, Stefano Mazzuco and Stefano Campostrini
(Read articles)
Calls Calls for papers - 5th Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD2023), Radboud University Nijmegen, 30 August-2 September 2023. Deadline for submissions: extended to 24 December 2022
- Virtual Seminar on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and Family Planning, online, 1-3 March 2023. Deadline for submission of short abstracts: 27 December 2022
- Special Issue of The Journal of Population and Sustainability on Vulnerable populations: The role of population dynamics in climate change resilience and adaptation. Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2022
- XXVII IIPS National Seminar 2023 on "75 years of India's Demographic Changes: Processes and Consequences", Bengaluru, India, 23-25 February 2023. Deadline for submissions: 8 January 2023
- Special Collection in Demographic Research on "Innovations in measuring adult mortality in countries with deficient civil registration". Deadline for submissions: 15 January 2023
- XXI Bhopal Seminar 2023 on Contemporary Issues in Demography and Development in India, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India, 22-24 February 2023. Deadline for submissions: 15 January 2023
- Special issue of the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research (VYPR) on “Population and Climate Change: The Defining Relationship of the 21st Century”. Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2023
Training Training courses and workshops - Young Scientist Summer Program (YSSP) at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Vienna, Austria, 1 June to 31 August 2023. Deadline for applications: 12 January 2023 (midnight CET)
- Summer Research Visit: Population and Social Data Science Summer Incubator Program at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), Laboratory of Digital and Computational Demography, Rostock, Germany, 1 June to 25 August 2023. Application Deadline: 15 January 2023
Career and study opportunities Jobs/Fellowships/PhD Positions/Post-Docs - Postdoctoral Research Scholar – sustainability transitions, development, and wellbeing (IIASA's POPJUS Program, Austria). Deadline for applications: 22 Dec 2022
- Postdoc / Research Scientist Positions at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR). Deadline for applications: 10 Jan 2023
- BIOSFER – “Untangling the Social and Biological Determinants of Fertility in Modern Societies” - Post-Doc Positions at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR). Deadline for applications: 10 Jan 2023
- Postdoc Positions at the Max Planck-University of Helsinki Centre for Social Inequalities in Population Health. Deadline for applications: 10 Jan 2023
- 2 Postdoc positions at the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED, Barcelona) in the ERC project LIFELONGMOVE. Deadline for applications: 20 Jan 2023
Calendar Forthcoming IUSSP meetings & other events - 3rd International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS 2023), Santiago, Chile, 24 to 26 Jan 2023. Organized by UN DESA, OECD and IOM.
- IUSSP Training Workshop on Extracting Spatial Data on Environment for Research, Zoom, 25 Jan 2023. Organized by IUSSP Panel on Early Career Perspectives.
- 14th Global NTA Workshop, University of Paris – Dauphine, Paris, France, 14 to 17 Feb 2023. Organized by National Transfer Accounts (NTA) research network.
- European Day of Demography, Online, 15 Feb 2023. Organized by Population Europe and the Federal Institute for Population Research in collaboration with the European Commission, the European Association for Population Studies, the Associazione Italiana per gli Studi di Popolazione, the British Society for Population.
- PERN Cyberseminar on “The habitability concept in the field of population-environment studies: relevance and research implications.", Online, 13 to 17 Mar 2023. Organized by Population-Environment Research Network (PERN).
- 12e Colloque Francophone sur les Sondages, Aubervilliers (Campus Condorcet), France, 22 to 24 Mar 2023. Organized by Ined et la société française de statistique.
- PAA2023 - Annual Meeting of the American Population Association (PAA), New Orleans, United States, 12 to 15 Apr 2023. Organized by Population Association of America (PAA).
- 10th Annual International Conference on Demography and Population Studies, Athens, Greece, 12 to 15 Jun 2023. Organized by Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER).
Submit your announcements Feel free to share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field. IUSSP members are welcome to submit information on conferences, calls for papers, training, career or study opportunities as well their recent publications or peer-reviewed software for inclusion in the newsletter and IUSSP website. Please send the information to and remember to include important dates for application deadlines (and photos when appropriate). Information should be sent by email or in a Word document so that it can be edited. For inclusion in the next Bulletin, please send information by 1 March 2023. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
IUSSP Bulletin / Bulletin de l’UIESP Publication Director: Mary Ellen Zuppan, IUSSP Executive Director ISSN: 2427–0059 |